Prepare for the holiday cake "Drunk cherry"

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Cake "Drunk cherry" is an excellent dessert for the holiday table. The essence of the recipe comes down to cooking chocolate sponge cake with a delicate and at the same time juicy cherry-cream filling. Our step-by-step guide on how to prepare this cake will help even a novice chef to create not only a delicious, but also a beautiful dessert for a solemn feast.

What do you need for a cake?

Drunk cherry cake, the recipe of which is quite simple, you can make from the following products:

  • cherry( in order for the dessert to turn out juicy you need 0.35 kg of frozen cherry);
  • cognac( 350 ml);
  • flour( 0.2 kg);
  • eggs( 6 pieces);
  • sugar( 0.45 kg);
  • milk( 0.15 L);Cocoa
  • ( 60 g);
  • butter( 0.2 kg);
  • chocolate black( 1 tile).

Step-by-Step Guide

There is nothing difficult in making a delicious and beautiful cherry cake, a recipe with photos and step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

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Step 1.

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Preparation of cherries. First of all, it is necessary to defrost and clean the berry from pits. After that, transfer to a convenient container and pour brandy for at least 12 hours. After this time, strain the cherries in a colander or through a sieve and add a little sugar( a couple of spoons) - this is necessary in order to remove excess acid from the berry.

Step 2.

Baking biscuits. This is the most important part of making such a dessert, like Drunk Cherry Cake. Step-by-step recipe with photos will help to visually see all the nuances of cooking.

In order to fit a lot of filling in the dessert, the biscuit must be high - preferably 8-10 cm, otherwise the appearance of the cake will resemble a cake or a cake. To reach this height, you can use a baking dish with high walls.

It is necessary to cover the bottom and walls of the form with parchment paper and smear them with butter, then place in the refrigerator.

To make a biscuit, you must separate the whites and yolks of the eggs. Beat the whites from 0.350 kg of sugar to a dense foam state; if the latter is liquid or not thick enough, the sponge cake will not be fluffy. Beat up with a blender or mixer.

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Grind the yolks in a separate container with the remaining sugar.

Then you need to sift the flour and mix it with cocoa. Pour 2/3 into the resulting mass( the rest will be used for the cream) yolks and proteins rubbed with sugar, gradually stirring. Knead the dough and place it in the cooled form. Bake at 180 ° for half an hour.

To check the readiness of the biscuit, you need to pierce it with a thin wooden stick, toothpick or a match. No particles of dough on a stick should remain after extraction from the dough.

Step 3.

Cooking cream. While the biscuit is baked, it is necessary to prepare a cream for the future cake “Drunk cherry”.To do this, boil the milk( not all, leave a few tbsp. For the glaze), add the remaining eggs and sugar, and boil for a couple of minutes. Place the resulting syrup in a convenient container and beat with a mixer or a blender together with butter.

The cream must be oily so that the biscuit is not softened and does not fall apart.

Step 4.

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Dessert filling “Drunk cherry” cake. The recipe from the photo below.

Remove the finished sponge cake from the oven and allow to cool with the mold. Then remove from the mold, cut off the top layer( 1 cm) of the cake.

Take out the pulp and stir it with the cream. The filling of the cake should consist of several layers: 1st - cream, 2 - cherries. Cover the dessert with the top cut cake.

Step 5.

Frosting. This is the most pleasant and the final stage of cooking delicious drunk cherry cake. Dark chocolate must be melted on a steam bath and mixed with milk. The resulting mass pour dessert from the top and sides, if desired, decorate with cherries. Put in the fridge for a few hours.

Video-recipe for making cake "Drunk cherry"

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