Step by step description of the recipe for making grape leaves kvass

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What could be better than making a soft drink with your own hands from garden plants. One of these masterpieces can be kvass from grape leaves, the recipe of which is light and not intricate. While preparing such a thirst quenching mixture, no financial expenses are needed, which is important nowadays. You can prepare kvass from almost any garden and garden fruits. It can be not just vegetables and fruits, but even rye crackers. It is a pity that such a healthy drink loses its popularity among modern people.

Grape leaves kvass: the benefits and harm of

This life-giving elixir is far from necessary, therefore you should definitely consider the benefits and harm of grape leaves kvass. The advantages of this drug include its positive effect on the liver, pancreas, intestines and stomach. In folk medicine, grape leaves are known as a means to combat varicose veins, migraines, infections of the upper respiratory tract and urinary system. There are many recipes for decorating grape leaves to overcome these ailments. Harm of the drink from this plant can cause people suffering from an ulcer and gastritis. Kvass from grape leaves by any recipe is contraindicated for those who are obese. Also, do not need to get involved in a drink nursing mothers and pregnant women. Diabetics should be careful to use this brew.

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Any kvass normalizes the body's metabolism, stabilizes processes in the gastrointestinal tract and so on. It acquires all these positive properties at the fermentation stage, when microorganisms that can treat dysbacteriosis and improve the digestive process come into play. But, along with the pros, there are also disadvantages of this refreshing nectar. Cirrhosis of the liver, gout, gastritis, urolithiasis, increased acidity will only increase if you add kvass to the diet.

Kvass from

grapes According to the recipe of grape kvass, you need to take 1 kilogram of grapes. For the leaven, you will need 4 liters of water, in which 200 grams of sugar will be diluted.

Sourdough process:

  1. Wash berries and turn them into mush. Grinding can be done with a blender or ordinary tolkushki.
  2. Heat water and dissolve sugar in it.
  3. Pour this solution into the berry mass and cover with gauze or put a lid. In this state, leave for a day at a temperature of +20 degrees.
  4. The resulting mixture must be filtered the next day. You can use the same gauze or strainer.
  5. Bottled or cans and after a week to taste a nice drink.
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Kvass from vine leaves and shoots

It will take about a week to cook kvass from vine leaves and shoots. For such a drink, not only the leaves are involved, but also its shoots. They are no less useful and tasty, so why not bring them to the general herbal collection. Preparation of ingredients takes only 20-30 minutes, a long fermentation procedure makes you wait a little for a tasty result. So, for the preparation you need a 3-liter jar for fermentation and bottles for further storage of kvass.

Starter Process:

  1. Wash leaves and shoots of grapes. It can be as young vegetation, and slightly wilted.
  2. Place the leaves with shoots in a blender and chop until the juice is extracted.
  3. Milled greens move in a 3-liter jar and pour 200 grams of sugar. All diluted with water at room temperature, in the amount of 1.5 liters. Thus, the liquid with ingredients will take half a can, and the volume of milled leaves should be 75%, water 25%.
  4. Put in a warm place, covered with a lid, for 3 days. After 3 days, remove the cover and let it stand for another couple of days. After the allotted time has elapsed, a characteristic smell and a yellow color of the liquid will appear - this means that the brew is ready.
  5. Pleasant consumption of kvass from grape leaves for an easy recipe!

Water is poured into half a can so that during the fermentation process the lid does not come off the gas.

A few tips for making kvass:

  1. The basics of making kvass are simple, just connect four components: water, raw materials, sugar and yeast.
  2. Instead of yeast, it is better to use hop cones.
  3. When making kvass from grapes, it is better not to wash them. On the surface of the fruit there are wine fermentation bacteria, which can be washed off with water, which is undesirable for fermentation.
  4. Honey can be used instead of sugar.
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It is not difficult to cook kvass from grape leaves at home and why not resort to kvass. In addition, you will be sure of its useful properties. Therefore, if you have a vineyard, do not miss the moment and prepare a kvass from the leaves of a vine bush. Enjoy your meal!

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