Stones for a bath, which is better to choose?


  1. Stones for a bath - the benefits of
  2. How not to be mistaken with the choice of stones for a bath
  • Peridotitis and gabbro-diabase
  • Jadeite
  • Talkohlorite
  • White quartzite
  • White quartz, how you need to get the same thing as if you’re using white quartz or using the quartzite
  • Baths - the benefits of

    Bath is not only a pleasant, but also, undoubtedly, a useful healing procedure for body and soul. Bath procedures can also be healing - the main thing is to choose the right stones for the stove. But which rocks are better to use and where to find them? Unfortunately, this question is still causing heated discussions among fans of bath procedures.

    Stones that are found on the beach or in the fields are completely unsuitable for use in a sauna or stove-heater. Oddly enough, but the stones for a steam room should be some kind of special. It is believed that they must endure high temperature drops without breaking up. In the case of a split stone, dust is released, which, if it enters the human respiratory system, can be harmful to health.

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    As practice shows, good, good stones for a bath for a long time retain heat and release into the air a lot of nutrients, improving immunity and improving the general well-being of a person. Steam emanates from the stones, after which there is a feeling of relaxation and peace. Thus, the correct choice of stones for a bath will bring tangible benefits to the whole body.

    How not to make a mistake with the choice of stones for a bath

    Initially, you should be familiar with the basic characteristics of stones, regardless of the breed and origin. So, it is important that the stones for the bath were strong enough. Check them completely easy. For example, you can try to hit the stone with any heavy object .Nothing threatens a quality stone, but if the stone has crumbled or cracked - this means that it is absolutely not suitable for a bath. There is 1 more way to check the quality of the stone. For this, it must be heated well and then thrown into the water. If the condition of the stone does not change( it does not crack), then it means that the stone in front of you is good.

    It should be noted that the stones for the bath are punctured and are covered with ( polished, smooth).There is no big difference between them, but for stove-heaters, it is desirable to choose smooth stones, as they will warm up more evenly. As for crushed stones, they have a large area for evaporation. And, finally, stones differ in the size of .Everything here is extremely simple: for small stoves, the best option is small stones( about 60 mm), for large furnaces - stones of medium size( from 70 to 120 mm).And it is important, if there are blotches of other rocks or mica on the stones, it is better not to touch them, because after a while they will crumble, forming a blockage in the chimney and harming your health.

    Varieties of stones for a bath

    As you know, each rock has its own beneficial properties. The following are the most popular and popular types of stones that are recommended for use in the steam room.

    Peridotite and gabbro diabase

    Black diabase is an environmentally friendly and inexpensive stone with a black color. Unfortunately, it does not have any special distinctive healing properties, but has optimal characteristics for use in the bath practice. Diabase is better to lay down the stove, and more useful stones are already laid on top of it. The gabbro diabase accumulates heat very well and gives it away for a long time, thereby creating an ideal microclimate in the steam room. This stone has strength, resistance to temperature fluctuations .But, with long-term use, diabase can crack, so it is recommended to update it 1 time within 2 years. Also, peridotite is traditionally used as a base for heaters. It has identical black diabase properties and low cost. In addition, reacting with carbon dioxide, it contributes to the disinfection of air.


    Jade is considered a semi-precious stone of luxurious emerald color. Even in the distant past, its healing properties were known in China and America. This stone was used for making jewelry and magical amulets, because it was valued even more than gold itself. Jadeite was widely used in China for lining furniture in the baths of the emperor. The symbol of Thailand is the emerald Buddha statue just made of jade.

    Jadeite has characteristics such as heat resistance, increased strength, it does not crumble and crack, even after years. In addition, he has with a reduced degree of water absorption, , , and a lot of healing properties, among which is the normalization of the cardiovascular and nervous system, joint pain disappears, various urinogenital diseases noticeably stand out among other types of stones. Due to these properties, jade is considered the best stone for a bath and does not require special care. Completely fill the stove with jade is not worth it, it is enough if you lay it on top of other stones. Since jade is considered to be a rather expensive stone, it will be rather inefficient to fill the entire heater with it exclusively. On sale jadeite is presented in and in a split form.


    Talkohlorit refers to the rock of volcanic stones. Unlike other stones, it is able to withstand heating to an extremely high temperature - about 1600 degrees. It is important that this stone transfers heat in a certain wave mode, which coincides with the rhythms of the human body. It is believed that the presence of such a wave mode provides it with a number of healing properties: it strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory organs, heals the common cold and perfectly displaysSputum from the lungs, in addition, is recommended for people with overweight, because it contributes to weight loss. As practice shows, after such a bath procedure with talkochlorite a person drops to 1.5 kilograms. This miracle stone is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and diseases of the joints.

    Crimson Quartzite

    Crimson Quartzite is a luxurious red stone with a mass of useful properties. In the distant past, this stone was used for facing the royal palaces. The mausoleum of V. Lenin and the grave of Napoleon Bonaparte himself are faced with crimson quartzite. The royal stone( crimson quartzite) is considered the most durable filler when used in the stove. It should be noted that it gives a special barely noticeable steam, which is extremely useful for health promotion. Quartzite normalizes blood pressure, treats colds, fights diseases of the joints. Quartzite, like the 2 previous types of stone, is recommended to be laid out on top of other stones - peridotite or diabase.

    White quartz or otherwise “the bathing stone”

    White quartz received this name for durability and increased strength to the effects of extremely high temperatures. Its main advantage is that in case of a sharp change in the temperature regime of it is able to release ozone, which has a general strengthening effect on all organs of the human body. In addition, the “bath stone” is appreciated for its incredibly rejuvenating effect.

    Useful recommendations on the use of stones

    1. When filling stoves for a bath, you should place large stones down first and smaller stones on top of them.
    2. Stones should be heated before use until redness appears, and then poured with cold water: this will allow you to identify cracked stones.
    3. It is advisable to inspect the stones for chips and cracks once every 3 months. Damaged stones must be removed, and good rinsed and dry well enough - this will extend their service life.
    4. Before using the stones, it is recommended to keep them for 60 minutes in salted water, then dry them well.
    5. In order to water the stones, it is preferable to use hot water, because this way the stones will last longer, and the steam will be better than when doused with cold running water.

    The choice of stones for a bath is not an easy task, because the effectiveness of the entire healing procedure depends on their quality and healing properties. Adhering to the above recommendations, you can make the right choice.

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