Why does not cool the new Hotpoint Ariston HF 4200 W fridge

Tell me, please, the refrigerator for two days. We brought it to us, we did not turn it on for 5 hours, then turned it on and left it for 10 hours. In the morning, on the middle shelf, the temperature was +5, and in the freezer –18, there were very few products loaded, almost nothing can be said.
After 5 hours the temperature was 13-15 degrees. Refrigerator model Hotpoint Ariston HF 4200 W, eco mode. She put three pots and a couple of bottles of compote. All pots on different shelves to air circulation, the pots were cooled in cold water.
Added temperature more. At night, the refrigerator was not opened, in the morning the temperature was +12. The freezer is working properly. The door is closed tight. Refrigerator close to the wall is not worth it. What could be?
Specialist's answer
Once again check the tightness of the doors of all compartments. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment depends on two adjustments - the general position of the thermostat and the position of the air damper. The thermostat mainly influences the temperature in the freezer, and the air damper in the fridge compartment redirects the flow of cold air. If the damper is closed or cluttered with dishes or products, cold air will no longer flow into the refrigerator compartment.
Important: possibly factory marriage. Do not forget to call a specialist to diagnose, the most likely return or replacement under warranty.