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Flowers for decorating bouquets with names and photos will help to elevate any place. Beautiful, delicate composition will be a decoration in any home. In the garden, you can grow flowers yourself, and then make bouquets of them, and give to relatives or friends. Florist skills are not obligatory, it’s enough to know a few rules of bouquet making, and which flowers can be combined with each other.
Rules for creating bouquets
There are several principles that will help create a beautiful bouquet:
- Do not use many varieties of flowers, a maximum of 3-4, otherwise the composition will look a little ridiculous.
- Do not make a bouquet only from unblown flowers. So the bouquet will be very heavy.
- Start with small bouquets and simple solutions.
- Do everything systematically, carefully, do not accelerate the process. The result depends on the accuracy of execution.
- Think over each bouquet, collect the flowers and think how the final result will look.
- Get creative, show your imagination.
- Cut flowers for a bouquet should be at an angle.
- If flowers for a bouquet are not cut at the same time and are not placed in water, it is better to repeat the cut, washing the stems under running water. And it's better to do it in the morning.
- In order for the bouquet to stand for a long time, it is not necessary to place it under the direct influence of the sun's rays and drafts. Water should be purified, in stores you can buy a means to make the bouquet stand better.
- A bouquet does not make up from an even number of flowers. Such compositions are suitable only for mourning.
- The number of colors should be chosen on the occasion, whether you are giving it for a birthday, or as a small compliment.
- It is better to make a large bouquet for an anniversary, a small one will be suitable for wedding events.
- Avoid clear symmetry, the bouquet will look dull.
- A standard bouquet suitable for any occasion is made up so that it is about 23-25 cm in girth. If you are in doubt about the color scheme and the colors themselves, then the bouquet should be done in delicate tones, with an emphasis on white or soft pink, and for the basis choose roses or peonies.
- In order to make an impression, you need to think about the color scheme of the bouquet. Do not be afraid to include green shoots or unusual twigs in a bouquet, it always looks good.
- The size of the flowers should go from the bottom up, that is, at the heart of the bright, showy flowers, and at the top small in pastel shades.
- Do not arrange the flowers so that they are pressed together, so the bouquet will quickly lose its freshness.
- Choose a circle or one-sided shape. In a round shape, the flowers are arranged evenly over the bouquet, and look in different directions, creating the shape of a ball. In one-sided form, flowers should be sent in one line.
- In order for the bouquet to stand longer, it is better to use a pruner instead of scissors.
- When composing a bouquet, it is important to consider combinations of colors. Many flowers are not only not compatible with each other in appearance, but can not exist side by side.
- It is better to be more careful with shades, since cold and warm colors are not always combined, you should first try to make a bouquet in one color, and then try new combinations.
Flowers for making compositions
Popular flowers for bouquets can be grown on your site, here are some of the flowers for bouquets with pictures.
Perhaps the most popular flower. Especially popular at the wedding. In fact, roses fit almost any bouquet and will always look good. Roses for planting, you can choose any type: from large tea-hybrid to small spray. It is best to plant roses in September. If they are planted later, they will not have time to get stronger before the onset of the first cold weather, the early landing will end in the death of the kidneys. By spring, roses planted in September will begin to bloom intensively.
Roses require a lot of care, they are very sensitive and require attention. Be sure to feed, with the first buds it is better to use saltpeter.2-3 times a month to feed the plant to full bloom. Ensure the correct temperature, roses will die from overheating. Constantly water, pluck shoots to create the correct form. For the formation of a bush to cut off the excess shoots.
What is the combination of roses?
Lilies, alstromeria are perfectly combined with roses. With white roses, violets look very harmonious. Also, it is worth trying to combine roses with herbs, for example, with lavender. Some believe that roses are independent flowers that should be given just for fun. They draw a lot of attention to themselves, so the other flowers in the bouquet should be more delicate and subtle.
Peonies - one of the most beautiful and delicate flowers. Besides, now they are very popular. Get a bouquet of peonies will be nice to every woman. These flowers are often used for wedding bouquets. True, it is worth being careful when adding other flowers to a bouquet with peonies, as they open very quickly. It is better to pick flowers that keep their shape well, or just a few twigs. Peonies bloom long, about a month.
They should not be planted in wet soil, they do not tolerate it. Also, peonies do not tolerate shade, so plant them better on the sunny side. This should be done from August to September, and it is possible in the spring, but then the peonies will bloom a little later, and it will be more difficult to care for them. In the first year, fertilizing is necessary, they must be grown in shallow pits that have been dug beforehand.
What is the combination of peonies?
Daisies, hydrangeas or forget-me-nots are perfect for peonies. Also, you can make a bouquet of peonies of different shades, without using other flowers. It may be white peonies with pale pink and hot pink. Such a bouquet will not leave anyone indifferent.
Sunflower is a bright sunny flower that can easily raise your mood with its appearance. Often people grow decorative sunflowers in their garden. On the site, he always looks very impressive, creating such a "fence" from his flowers.
Sunflower unpretentious, easily tolerates both drought and freezing. The plant is best grown in fertile soil, do not plant next to the beans or tomatoes. It is better to plant in the place where the crops grew. It is quite simple to care for sunflower, to water it regularly enough and periodically to feed, as the sunflower takes a lot of nutrients.
How to combine sunflowers?
Sunflower is a self-sufficient flower, however, with its help you can make beautiful bouquets. You can combine it with gerberas, chrysanthemums, add irises to the bouquet. Better yet, dilute the bouquet with twigs, herbs or greens. This bouquet is good for a birthday, to create a great mood to the person to whom you give it.
Chrysanthemums are constantly used in the preparation of compositions. Most often, chrysanthemums are yellow, but there are others. Beautiful bouquet flowers late bloom, so you can collect in the fall.
In the garden, you can create a beautiful composition of these flowers, the bushes of chrysanthemums look very beautiful, especially in large numbers from afar. Chrysanthemums are resistant to cold weather, bloom for a long time - from the end of July until the very winter. However, chrysanthemum care is required. As soon as a small plus appears, the flowers germinate. For chrysanthemums is to provide shelter, and by the end of spring to remove, as they begin to grow strongly in height.
Chrysanthemums love moisture, require constant watering. After watering, it is necessary to fertilize, ensure that the soil is moist and loose. Regularly give them food - minerals and organic.
Be sure to cut the flowers, after trimming the root cover with foliage or protective film.
How to combine chrysanthemums?
Bouquet of chrysanthemum suitable for any occasion. The best combinations are roses, alstromeria, gerberas and dahlias. This autumn bouquet is perfect for a birthday party or it will just decorate the window sill with its beauty in the country.
One of the most popular flowers for a bouquet used in floristics. From ancient Celtic the name of this flower is translated as white. Lily is a very sophisticated, graceful flower with an amazing smell. Lilies are pretty easy to grow.
Grow them, usually from bulbs. Plant in the fall, bulbs to check whether they are healthy enough. It is recommended to plant lilies of different varieties nearby and leave to grow for several years. The plant loves the sun's rays and regular watering.
What is the combination of lilies?
Lily is also a self-sufficient flower. A beautiful bouquet of lilies will delight any girl, these flowers are very elegant. But such flowers in the bouquet also look good, for the composition both peonies, and chamomile, and phlox may perfectly suit. Beware of combinations with poppies, so poppies will die very quickly. It will be great to add decorative branches or “Christmas trees” to the lilies.
A handmade bouquet, especially from garden flowers, is a wonderful gift. Do not be afraid to experiment and try. Of course, floristry is a whole science, which was practiced in antiquity, but knowing the rules and secrets of bouquets, you can create a very beautiful composition. In addition, a hand-made bouquet will help save a lot of money on gifts for friends or relatives. You do not need to go to flower shops or specially hire a florist to compose a bouquet. Flowers in a bouquet can be completely different: it can be not only roses, peonies or orchids, but also tulips, carnations, irises, lilies of the valley or chamomiles.
It is worth remembering only the main rules:
- Do not overload the bouquet.2-3 basic flowers, a small amount of greenery or twigs, and the bouquet is ready. Otherwise, it will be an overloaded, tasteless composition.
- Bouquet creation should be broken down into points: first determine what will be the composition and shape;then choose the color scheme, what will be a bouquet, delicate or bright;cut flowers at an angle in the garden to create a composition;put them in the water, and after you prepare everything for the bouquet - make up.
- Remember the incompatibility of flowers, as above, for example, lilies with poppies, or roses with carnations. Some flowers give substances into the water that cause other plants to die.
- Remember the size of the bouquet, that everything is given on occasion. At the wedding now it is not relevant to give large bouquets, brides prefer refined, small bouquets, often from wild flowers.
- When the bouquet is ready, you can tie it with a satin ribbon or twine. And attach a small laconic greeting to the harness. Also, it is recommended to give flowers without foil or other packaging, so they look fresher and more natural.
Try and experiment, and your flowers in bouquets will decorate any home.