How to sow strawberry seeds to get a good harvest

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Strawberry has long been a favorite berry due to its taste and aroma. You can buy fresh berry today all year round, but its taste cannot be compared to strawberries grown by yourself in the garden plot.

The yield depends on the quality of the seedlings, and in turn, on how to sow strawberry seeds correctly. Sowing seeds requires special attention and a responsible attitude, because the plant, regardless of the variety, is quite tender and capricious.

Sowing time

Sowing can be carried out from the end of January to the beginning of April. Experienced gardeners consider the last dates of February and the beginning of March to be the optimal period. Sprouted seedlings at home requires constant and full care, then the grown seedlings can be safely planted in a place of constant growth at the beginning of the garden season.

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Soil preparation

Mixed soils that combine fertility and lightness are suitable for strawberry seeds. For this, a mixture of peat, sand and sod is well suited, where one quarter of each of the other components accounts for one part of sod land.

Seeds are poured on overwetted and compacted soil, but are not buried. After sowing, you need to cover them with plastic wrap and put them in a cool place for a few days, you can on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Then the sowing box is transferred to the room at a temperature not lower than 22 degrees, but not under the direct rays of the sun. The important point is the constant soil moisture.

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How to sow

P ochva poured into a box, compacted and cut into grooves using a plank. Seeds are laid out with tweezers or with a moistened match in 2 cm steps. If several varieties are planted so as not to be confused, you can put special beacons with names at the beginning of the groove. Moisten the soil should be abundant. It is best to do this with a spray bottle to prevent sowing from eroding. To preserve moisture box covered with foil, but the seedlings are ventilated every day. As a result of caring and constant care, the first shoots will appear in 3-4 weeks.

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As the seedlings grow, other events are subsequently held that help strawberry seedlings to become stronger. Sprouts need to break in, shorten the root system, and planting bushes seedlings in separate containers. All efforts will pay off in full rich harvest.

Sowing strawberries

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