Description and photo cherry plum varieties Traveler

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Many gardeners are wondering what kind of cherry plum to use for planting in their garden to get a rich and healthy harvest. Alycha Traveler, a description of the variety and photo of which indicates unpretentiousness, as well as a rich and quick harvest, is perfect for your site. You can pamper yourself with your favorite fruits in the middle of summer. And the harvest from it turns out sweet and juicy.

Description and Distinctive Features of the Variety

Cherry Plum Variety Traveler belongs to the Russian plum hybrids. In appearance, the tree is low and reaches three meters in height, its crown is compact and not very thick. Cherry plum leaves have a pale green color with a pointed end. The appeared flowers are white and large in size.

Distinctive features:

  1. The fruits on the tree have an average weight of 20-30 grams. Their skin is smooth, purple-red.
  2. It is quite difficult to separate the bone from the pulp.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. The traveler's cherry plum variety is unpretentious in care and has no particular preferences.

Gardeners give this characteristic of the fruit:

  • in the context of cherry plum has an orange color, a thin fibrous structure.
  • mid.
  • some time after the incision of the fetus, it begins to darken.
  • tastes a little sour.
  • aroma pleasant, gentle, extends on small distance.
  • stone of small size.
Read also: Formation of the crown is an important step in growing cherry plum

Pros and cons of the variety

Before planting a tree, all its advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account. Among the advantages of the variety are:

  1. Good tolerance of harsh winters.
  2. The rapid emergence of fruits.
  3. Annual harvest.
  4. Resistant to diseases such as moniliasis and nodulation.


  1. The variety does not tolerate dry weather.
  2. According to the photo description of the varieties of cherry plum traveler, it is clear that the ripe fruits are small.
  3. The flesh is difficult to separate from the bone.
  4. Since the flowers begin to bloom very early, there is a danger of their freezing during the spring frosts.
  5. Cherry plum fruits are not stored for a long time.

Features of planting and caring for cherry plum

This variety of cherry plum fits any type of soil, starts to bear fruit early and pleases gardeners with an annual crop. However, there are some features in landing and caring for cherry plum Traveler that need to be considered:

  1. For landing, it is best to choose lighted places where there is no strong wind.
  2. Groundwater in planting soil should be located not less than 1 meter from the surface.
  3. A good option would be slightly alkaline, loamy soil.
  4. To plant plum is best in spring.

If you plant seedlings in the fall, they may not have time to take root and will not suffer frost and cold.

How to choose seedlings

It is best to purchase annual seedlings obtained by root growth or grafting. They have the ability to recover from the freezing of the crown.

When purchasing seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to their root system, it should be well developed and formed. Usually, the roots of such seedlings germinate through the container or plastic bag in which they are stored.

Grade Pollinators

Cherry plummer Traveler can be called a self-fertile variety. However, to obtain a rich harvest, you will need other varieties planted nearby. The best pollinator for the cherry plum traveler will be the variety of Russian or Chinese plum, as well as Skoroplodnoy plum.

Alycha The traveler can be an excellent pollinator for other varieties of plum.

How to care

Despite the fact that this type of cherry plum produces an annual crop, it is worth taking care of the tree. This is the only way to save it much longer and get an ever richer harvest. The plant requires regular watering, feeding and treatment from pests.

Read also: Photos and description of cherry plum variety Kuban Comet

How to trim cherry plum

This is a very important stage in the care of the plant. Thanks to pruning, the tree is protected from various diseases, grows and forms better, and the crop increases. During the first year after planting, it is necessary to cut it into 1/3 part. After such manipulations are carried out to improve the appearance and to ensure the ingress of sunlight on the entire plant.

In the period of autumn and spring, all diseased, dry and crooked branches should be cut.

Fertilizing the plant

If organic fertilizers were poured into the hole for the seedling, then in the next two years the tree does not need fertilizing. As a fertilizer is used humus, compost, manure, saltpeter.

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How to ensure proper watering

This type of cherry plum does not like heavily moist soil with stagnant water. Therefore, you need to water often, but in small quantities. As the tree grows, the volume of water increases from 2 to 6 buckets. In the rainy season, the amount of water needs to be reduced.

In winter, the plant does not require watering, but on the contrary, in order to avoid water stagnation, it is necessary to dig special drainage grooves into which all unnecessary water will go.

Description and photo of a cherry plum variety Traveler indicates an unpretentious nature, a rich harvest and the possibility of planting seedlings in any soil. With proper care and maintenance of saplings with all the useful elements, you can provide yourself with a harvest for many years.

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