Useful bionnasti from various herbs (video)

infusionTop-dressing garden crops is very important for the growth and rapid development of fruits. Natural organic matter in this regard are the best. It is possible to make such a substance at home using various organics: leaves of cucumbers, tomatoes, removed stepchildren of garden crops.

See also:Proper planting strawberries (video)

To make a complete fertilizer, you need to take a bucket of 15-20 liters and place in it all the waste from cleaning garden plants and garden beds. It is this raw material is the basis of bionnastoy. In order for the natural fertilizer to infuse more quickly, some excipients are added to the biosix.

See also:Kristalon fertilizer - application for tomatoes

What exactly, and how to make bionasty at home, is described in detail in the video story.

Fertilizer "Baikal EM-1" - use for strawberries

Fertilizer "Baikal EM-1" - use for strawberriesFertilizers

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When and what kind of fertilizer to make a potato on sandy soils

When and what kind of fertilizer to make a potato on sandy soilsFertilizers

Contents of the article: Pros and cons of sandy soil Properly fertilize the soil Learn more about the issue of feeding the potato this video Help with adv...

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Is it possible to use sludge from a septic tank as fertilizer?

Is it possible to use sludge from a septic tank as fertilizer?Fertilizers

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