Description and characteristics of the bush variety cucumbers baby

Many novice gardeners are unaware of the existence of bush cucumbers. The length of their stems reaches only 30-50 cm. Care for such a culture is simple, the ripening time is short. You can even recognize such plants by their names: Baby, Shrub, Shorty, etc. The Kid cucumber, whose fruits are universal in use, is popular in our latitudes. The description and characteristics of this variety can be found below.

Contents;refers to early-ripening species, the fruits ripen 40 days after the emergence of shoots. Lash length reaches only 30-40 cm, fruits - up to 9 cm .Dark green peel has a large lumpy structure with a white edge.

Sprouts early ripe variety of cucumbers Baby

The plant has good immunity, which allows you to resist downy powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus and other diseases. Yield is not a record, but stable, you can remove 2-2,5 kg from one bush( about 40-45 greens).The weight of one medium in size is 80-90 grams.

Variety Malysh designed by the breeders of the Volgograd experimental station VNIIR.
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Advantages and disadvantages

Variety Malysh has already managed to appreciate and fall in love with domestic gardeners. In their reviews of the properties and qualities of the grown vegetable, the following advantages are more often distinguished:

  • ultra early ripening , good germination;
  • excellent taste without bitterness;
  • universal use ( fresh and for winter harvesting);
  • fruits well transported , maintaining the presentation;
  • in a small area fits more bushes ;
  • shortened length of the stems allows you to easily move between rows, without fear of damaging the branch or fruit;
  • long shelf life without loss of presentation( 10 days);
  • good resistance to pests and diseases.
Grade Baby Universal: even in the green form, even in the salty

The culture and deficiencies are not devoid, the main of which is intensive fruiting. Harvesting is recommended to be done daily in order to prevent the cucumbers from overriding .Culture also loves water, so it’s impossible to break the irrigation regime. The grade the Kid is grown up exclusively in an open ground that limits ways of cultivation.

Soil requirements for planting

Soil for cucumbers Baby is suitable light non-acidic. Preparation of the site for the breakdown of beds should be addressed in the fall. First of all, you should correctly determine the place. It should be well lit and ventilated. If there are tall plantations nearby, a slight shading does not interfere with the process of vegetation and fruiting. The following are considered favorable predecessors:

  • tomatoes;
  • early potato;
  • corn;
  • peas.

It is not recommended to grow cucumbers after squash, pumpkin, squash, garlic because of soil devastation.

Before planting cucumbers, bed should be fertilized with compost

The place for beds must be dug up with simultaneous introduction of manure( bucket on 1 m2) .An alternative is to fertilize the soil with a mixture of potassium salt( 25 g.) And superphosphate( 40 g.).Spring work is accompanied by digging the site and the introduction of ammonium nitrate into the soil( 15-20 grams per 1 m2).

Sandy and loamy soil types are considered ideal soils for growing cucumbers.

Planting Rules

Seeds are prepared for planting in advance. They must be sorted and soaked for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After the procedure, the seed is washed in clean water and dried. Immediately before planting, the seeds should be wrapped in a damp cloth for germination. It is important during this period to ensure that the fabric remains wet.

Disinfecting cucumber seeds before planting

The prepared seeds are planted according to the following scheme:

  • The distance between rows is 45 cm;
  • interval between holes - 25 cm;
  • depth of immersion of grains - 3 cm.

After disembarking, the bed is covered with a film that is not removed until germination. In case of unfavorable weather, it is recommended to cover the appeared shoots at night, so that they do not freeze over in case of frost.

To obtain an early harvest in cold climates, gardeners use a seedling method for planting cucumbers. For this, the prepared seeds( soaked in nitrophosphate solution) in late April or early May are sown in separate cups filled with a substrate of peat, humus and soil. You can also add a little wood ash and nitrophoska( 1.5 tablespoons per bucket mix).After 4-5 leaves are formed on the seedlings, you can transfer them to the open ground.

Cucumber Seedlings Kid
It is necessary that the air temperature be above + 16-18 ° С during the daytime. At night, it is better to cover the bed with agrofiber at first to create plant protection from freezing.

When transplanting seedlings on the beds, you must carefully transfer each bush into the hole along with the substrate. The root system is poorly developed in young shoots, with careless handling is easily damaged.

Grade care after planting

Timely weeding and loosening the soil contribute to the vegetative process, therefore, should regularly remove weeds from the beds. Such a neighborhood can damage the roots of seedlings, provoke plant rot. Aeration is an integral part of normal care, lack of oxygen weakens the immune system of the culture, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable to disease.

Cucumbers are very fond of water, the variety Kid is no exception. It is better to water the bushes with a weak pressure; a strong jet exposes the roots, as a result of which the plant dries out. The following types of irrigation are considered ideal:

  • sprinkling;
  • drip system.
For cucumbers, the Kid is ideally suited for drip irrigation

The frequency of procedures is 1 time per day, and in the absence of rain, moistening is carried out twice.

Early ripening varieties are characterized by intensive vegetation. This explains the need for frequent watering and the introduction of bait. The first portion is introduced before the flowering period, the next - every 10 days. As a food solution is used, which is prepared from the following components:

  • bucket of water;
  • for a teaspoonful of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate;
  • glass of mullein( porridge).

An alternative to mullein is humane( 1 tablespoon per bucket of water).Fertilizers are also suitable:

  • Breeder;
  • Fertility;
  • Springman;
  • Ideal.

Experienced gardeners warn newbies about mistakes that are often made when growing cucumbers:

  • When forming 6-7 leaves, pin the tip of on the branch to form another branch. In the case of the Cucumber Kid, this procedure is considered superfluous.
  • Reduce the distance between the holes when planting is not worth it, thickening provokes decay of .In addition, thickets become attractive to pests.
  • When growing seedlings, it is necessary for 1-2 weeks of to harden plants before transferring to open ground. In the opposite case, they will fall down on the beds in the first wind.
  • Irrigation carried out under strict control of the soil. Prevent water from stagnating in it, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the roots.
  • No matter what a sustainable variety is against diseases and pests, you should not plant seeds annually in the same place as .

Diseases and their prevention

Often, cucumbers are affected by fungal diseases. This may occur due to contamination of the soil or seeds. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to soak inoculum before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. They can also water the future beds. For this purpose, also suitable saline solution( 1 cup per bucket of water).

The following diseases are considered the most dangerous for the culture:

  • gray rot;
  • white rot;
  • cucumber mosaic;
  • olive spot;
  • root rot.

Regular control, proper care and quick response when you see the first signs, will help protect the crop from dying when it comes to death. It should be remembered that a healthy and strong bush is more protected from diseases than weak shoots. Strengthening the immune system should be timely feeding .The nutrient composition of the soil saturates cucumbers with nutrients.

When growing cucumbers, it is important to introduce a sufficient amount of phosphorus, potassium into it. But nitrogen is used in a limited dose.

Harvesting and storage rules

On the 39-40th day after the emergence of shoots above the ground, it is time to harvest. The term falls on the first half of July. Intensive aging makes inspect the beds daily. Active fruiting occurs throughout the 2-nd weeks .Harvested vegetables are stored in a cool place for 10 days if necessary. During this time, the fruits do not lose their qualities and presentation.

Harvesting Cucumber Variety Kid

The safety of harvesting is affected by the method of extracting the fruit from the whip. It is important to leave a small tail on the vegetable without damaging the peel of the .At the same time, the stems do not need to be turned over, and even more so swing around the sides to detect green grass.

Simple rules of care and disease resistance of cucumbers allow growing crops in regions with different climatic features. And early ripening guarantees a good harvest.

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