How to get rid of reeds in the garden, garden, summer cottage

One of the readers of our site asked me how to get rid of reeds. And I did not encounter such a problem. My knowledge of the reed itself is very meager, at the secondary school level, and maybe even less. She only knew that the reed usually grows near water bodies, on wetlands, such where groundwater is close to the soil surface. In addition, from childhood I remember that one of my grandmothers lived in a hut with a reed roof. I did not have to fight with reeds, as a gardener. And then suddenly there was a conversation with a distant relative, a farmer, the owner of a very large plot of land in our Novokubansk district.

  • Basics of reed
  • Method of strangulation of reed as weed
  • Method of drying reed
  • Method of freezing reed
  • Method of abandoned field - leave asdinteresting to communicate. His tenure occupies several dozen hectares. This site includes arable land, forest plantations, meadows, wetlands, two or three ponds with carps, silver carp. Sometimes I turn to him for advice if I cannot answer any difficult question from a site reader myself. It happened this time. That's what I learned from him reed, about how you can get rid of it. содерж to content ↑
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    Basics of reed

    Common reed, or reed, on the site - this is a big problem. To fight him is very difficult. Bulrush is a moisture-loving, deep-rooted plant that prefers heavy, overmoistened soils. The roots penetrate deeply - up to 3.5 meters, and the bulk of the roots are located at a depth of 30-60 cm. Reeds are propagated by seed or vegetatively, that is, by roots.

    The main rhizomes of the reeds are horizontal, from which, after 2-3 months, they form vertical, turning into land shoots. Rhizomes of reeds carry many dormant buds - up to 270 per square meter. On the vertical rhizomes formed a lot of adventitious roots, descending to the groundwater. Pruning of rhizomes of reeds during tillage causes increased formation of above-ground stalks. Horizontal shoots reach 10-15 meters - they are able to root and multiply rapidly throughout.

    To prevent the spread of reeds, you need to systematically work on the land-reclamation condition of the site, plan, divert water, and drain. It is important not to allow stagnation of water, to carry out work to reduce its level.

    The most important thing in the destruction of the rhizomes of weeds - it is necessary to remove the buds from dormancy so that they awaken. It is also important to crush, chop the rhizomes on as small as possible parts. It is necessary that further tillage lead them to exhaustion and death.

    There are several methods for weed control, including reeds, which are called methods of strangulation, drying, freezing, and aging of a clogged area under steam. Consider briefly what they are.

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    Method of choking reed like weed

    This method is the grinding of rhizomes located in the upper soil layer( 10-12 cm), followed by deep embedding of regrown segments. How can this be done in practice? Initially, a disc harrow passes the area overgrown with reeds in order to crush the roots into small pieces. Then pass the same areas, plowed to close up these small parts of the rhizomes to a depth of 30-35 cm - where they can not survive, rot.

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    The method of drying reeds

    The method of drying is sometimes referred to by agronomists as the fume method. It is used when the dry hot period comes. With the help of deep tilling, rhizomes of reeds are extracted to the surface of the earth. For 15-30 days of dry hot weather, they are naturally dried in the sun, losing the ability to germinate. Then the field is combed with a rake to remove them, for example, into a compost pit. This is available if the site is small. Or plowed a second time to close up the dry roots of reeds to a depth of at least 30 cm. They rot, enrich it with organic matter.

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    cane freezing method

    This method is similar to the method of draining. Such a difference - it is used in late autumn before the onset of frost. After plowing the roots of reeds remain on the surface all winter. When cold weather sets in, the roots freeze and also lose their vitality.

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    Abandoned field method - leave as steam

    This method is used for very badly clogged with rhizomatous weeds - reed also applies to them. At the end of May and the beginning of June, they plow this area to a depth of 30-35 cm. 2-3 weeks after plowing( during dry hot weather) the rhizomes dry out. They are combed, and the area is again plowed to the maximum depth, 4-5 times cultivated, constantly combing out rhizomes.

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    How to destroy reeds if it rains

    It may happen that when using any of these methods, it started to rain after the first tillage. What to do, what to do? Experts agronomists advise immediately begin combing rhizomes, because in wet weather they do not dry out, will remain viable.

    As you can see, the above methods of getting rid of reeds are very energy-intensive, they require considerable investment of labor, time, and material resources. Most likely, they are under the power of a successful farmer or a strong farm.

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    Chemical methods - herbicides against reeds

    A more affordable way to destroy reeds, which can be used by agricultural enterprises of any form of ownership, private farms, is chemical. For example, using the herbicide Roundup. Please note that this is a very dangerous herbicide for health.

    In recent years, information has emerged that its frequent use over large areas can cause the appearance of malignant tumors in people working with it. That is, it can only be used while observing all safety measures - when preparing a solution or spraying, it is necessary to use a respirator, not to spray plants in strong winds. Unfortunately, Roundup is the only herbicide that completely destroys perennial hydrophytic weeds, including reeds. There are modifications Roundau - Hurricane, Tornado. Their main active ingredient is glyphosate.

    The best term for treatment of reed herbicides( by the way, other weeds too) is the earing and flowering phase, that is, from June to August. Dosages need high - 60-80 milliliters of the drug for every hundred area.10 acres will require 10 times more drug - 600-800 ml.

    The product is diluted with water, the consumption of the working solution is 20-40 liters per 10 acres. Reeds are carefully sprayed. The first signs of drug action appear 2-3 weeks after spraying. The leaves become brighter in color, the edges turn yellow, the plants stop growing. Fully leaves turn yellow, dry for 30-40 days. The following year, plant growth does not resume, as rhizomes die.

    Of course, a herbicide is expensive. Its application requires no small material costs. But this is the only way to restrain the development of the malicious weed - reeds, except, of course, draining the site, which not all summer residents or site owners can do.

    When writing, the article of agronomist Zalesskaya I., “Niva of Kuban”, No. 22, 2015 was used.

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