Among the many varieties of gooseberry, Malachite is very popular. The name of the variety fully characterizes itself, thanks to the emerald colored berry, with a wax coating that gives it a special shade.
Table of ContentsThe variety was obtained in 1959 at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture them. I.V. Michurin by crossing Black Negus and Phenicia. The author of the idea was K.Sergeeva.
A variety of medium early ripening, has a long fruiting period. Large bushes are characterized by strong growth with a large number of interlocking shoots. Standard indicators of the height of the bushes reach one meter. Differs rare spikes, which are located along the entire length of the shoot and allow unhindered harvesting.
L estuary with a smooth surface of greenish color, dull, lowered. The sheet plate is concave, five-lobed, pointed tip.
Large round berries have a green color with a slight waxy coating. The average weight of the fetus is 6 grams. It is characterized by a large number of seeds, thin skin with a strong venation. Ripe with juicy tender pulp fruits have a sour taste, with a small sweet note and have a rich berry aroma.
Gooseberry belongs to the group of self-fruiting varieties. It gives berries two years after planting. After three years, enters the active stage of fruiting. Flowering occurs in May. Berries begin to ripen in early July.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantages include:
- high and stable yield , with proper care from one bush you can collect about 4 kg of berries;
- excellent taste characteristics of ripe berries;
- fruits of universal purpose;
- is characterized by good winter hardiness;
- is not affected by powdery mildew;
- ripened fruits are not showered from the branches, acquiring a beautiful amber color and tangible sweetness;
- successfully transported over long distances, while not losing its presentation.
Disadvantages include:
- moderate resistance to such disease as anthracosis;
- yield below average when improperly grown.

Rules for feeding
Malachite requires appropriate batteries. In the spring before flowering needs nitrogen, which can be added in dry and in liquid form. A positive result gives fertilizing with liquid organic fertilizers using fermented mullein, chicken manure. During the formation of buds need to feed phosphorus.
By the fall, berry bushes suck almost all the nutrients out of the soil. Therefore, it is high time to introduce phosphoric and potash supplements that contribute to the ripening of wood, strengthen the plant, and increase frost resistance.
Region of natural growth of the plant
The variety is specially bred for regions with such climatic features as long winter and not hot summer. For such conditions, winter-hardy shrubs that adapt well to strong wind and changeable weather are necessary, and the gooseberry Malachite belongs to them. Suitable for cultivation in central Russia and Moscow region.
Features of planting gooseberry saplings
When growing shrubs, it is necessary to take into account all the needs of the plant and create ideal conditions for the normal growth of the shrub and maximum fruit yield.
The plant can be planted both in spring and autumn, but it is a favorable fall planting period, because the roots of the seedlings have time to take root and form new roots, and also to harden before the onset of winter cold. The suitable time is the end of September and October.
When choosing a site for landing, it is better to give preference to the sunny and light, protected from winds and drafts area with slightly acid and neutral mail. The ideal solution would be to plant the plant in loose, loamy or clayey soil.
The pit must be dug a couple of weeks before planting. The size should be 50 to 50, and the depth - 60 cm. Equip the hole with manure or humus, complex mineral fertilizers and fertile soil, then pour.
For planting, it is necessary to use only one-year or two-year-old seedlings that are distinguished by health, a well-developed system of roots and an aerial part, since such a plant will come into fruition earlier. Seedlings before planting carefully inspect and remove damaged and dry parts of the roots and branches.
Planting material is placed in the recess, gently straightening the roots. Fill with earth and properly compact, preventing the formation of unnecessary voids. The surface of the filled hole must be watered.
At the end, prune shoots from above, leaving 5-6 buds above the soil surface. Also carry out soil mulching, which will help maintain the necessary balance of moisture and nutrients. And if the landing was made in the fall, it will protect the ground from freezing.

Rules of care
The process of growing gooseberry has its own characteristics that should be paid attention to. One of the highlights is the care of the plant. Important activities are pruning, feeding, watering, loosening, fighting diseases and pests.
- Trimming. The procedure is carried out immediately after disembarkation. Shorten all the shoots, leaving about six buds below. In the future, the event is carried out in early spring before the buds begin to swell and late in the fall after the plant has dropped foliage.
In autumn, shoots that grow low should be cut, as well as weak, diseased, long and very dark in color. It is necessary to cut the tops, when the berries on them are small. In early spring, pruned and frozen shoots are subject to pruning during the winter. Fresh slices do not forget to handle garden pitch.
- Watering and mulching. In order to get a decent crop, it is necessary to constantly maintain an appropriate moisture regime and nutrient balance of the soil. Watering should be carried out during the formation of ovaries, the appearance of young shoots and during the formation and ripening of fruits. Also, to enhance the growth of the roots and the preparation of the plant for the winter you need to perform a watering irrigation. Conduct such watering from late September to mid-October.
Shrubs watered at the root, it is to reduce the incidence of culture. It is not recommended to perform watering by sprinkling and using cold water. In order to prevent the evaporation of excess moisture, the soil around the bush should be mulched using peat or compost.
To enrich the roots of plants with oxygen, loosen the top layer of soil. It will also contribute to eradicating weeds and preventing the appearance of a dense crust on the surface of the earth.
- Top dressing
Malachite is an unpretentious variety, but as all plants require the necessary fertilizer. Feeding is administered twice a year, starting from a two-year term. The first is carried out in the spring after flowering to increase yield, and the second - after picking berries. To this end, fertilizers are added using organic and mineral products. For excellent results, you can use liquid root and foliar supplements.
If you follow all the rules of basic care, you can be absolutely sure that you will get a high-quality and rich harvest.

Pest and disease control
Diseases and pests can worsen the yield and cause death of the gooseberry. The bushes of the plant are subject to many diseases and attacks of pests, but the main thing is to determine the first signs of the disease and to take appropriate measures to help the plant to deal with them quickly. At the initial stages of the development of diseases, it will be sufficient to use only folk methods, without resorting to chemical preparations.
Burrows, aphids, sawflies are pests that can be favored by berry bushes. Proper care and compliance with sanitary standards will reduce the likelihood of the emergence and development of parasites, but if an invasion has occurred, then it must be treated with solutions specially designed for this purpose.
For this common disease like powdery mildew, the variety has resistance, but other diseases such as anthracosis, septoria, rust may well occur, so you should take preventive measures in plant care:
If diseases and pests overtook gooseberry bushes, you need to urgently cut off the branches affected by fungus and insects and burn them. Create a useful microflora by diluting any organic fertilizer with water. Then strain and apply the resulting mass spraying. It is also possible to treat the whole plant and the soil with a solution of ferrous sulfate or other effective means.
Due to the fresh tart taste of the berries, the rich composition of valuable substances, vitamins and minerals, gardeners prefer this particular gooseberry variety, so the variety does not lose its relevance and is not inferior to new hybrids.