Symptoms of goat diseases and their treatment at home

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Domestic goats are the most unpretentious animals. The symptoms of goat's disease and their treatment depend on the physical condition of the animals. The stronger the body, the easier it is for the disease, it is more difficult to diagnose. However, missed in the acute stage of the disease goes into a chronic form and is waiting for its time.

Types of diseases of goat herd

Only the owner of the herd, who constantly observes the behavior of animals, will understand by insignificant signs that the goat has fallen ill. But the doctor can definitely diagnose and prescribe medication. All diseases can be divided into several categories:

  • non-contagious;
  • infectious;
  • parasitic;
  • blood parasitic diseases.

Often, the symptoms of goat disease are unclear, and the treatment is prescribed by a specialist. In the case of non-contagious disease, the animal is not separated from the herd, in other cases, measures are taken to prevent the disease from spreading.

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Non-contagious diseases arise from improper feeding and maintenance. The goat is a restless animal, and often the desire to take the barrier ends in trauma. Non-communicable diseases include inflammatory processes associated with colds, especially in goats after lambing. If there is no bacterial or microbial process, the animal can be left in the herd.

All diseases of bacterial, viral, microbial nature are transmitted through common dishes, stool, sniffing and milk. If there are such symptoms, and goat diseases are treated with antibiotics, the animal should be isolated.

Read also:Photo of goat breeds with a brief description of the characteristics

Parasitic diseases are associated with the development in the organs of animal foreign organisms that feed on the flesh of the donor. Infection occurs:

  • during the walk,
  • through ticks - carriers,
  • ingestion of helminth formations with food and water.

There are many such diseases, parasites live in the blood, liver, stomach and other parts of the body. They eat live flesh, multiply, and the goat gradually turns into a walking corpse. If a problem is found, sanitization of the places of sick goats and their treatment with special preparations is carried out.

Ticks and lice settle on the skin of animals, infect a bouquet of diseases, lead to calculus and constant excitement. The herd is subjected to repeated treatment until all the parasites are removed.

Diseases of dairy goats

Any medicamental treatment, viruses and bacteria contained in the body, parasites reproducing themselves, for a cash goat become a double danger. It is exhausted, struggling with the disease, transmits infection with milk to a kid, a cat, people. Therefore, by the time of lambing, all preventive measures must be taken.

The goat, from which we drink milk, should be healthy. But it is the strong immunity and patience of the goat that, when there are no visible reasons to do the tests, introduces poison instead of the curative product.

Even before the onset of lambing, the landlady should make sure that she is launching a healthy goat. Stop milking the goat 4-6 weeks before lambing. A few days before the onset of the birth, juicy foods are excluded, mixed fodder is replaced with bran. The goat last month is protected from colds and injuries. A fat goat will be difficult to get rest, so rough feeds are given, and juicy ones are not.

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In order not to harden the udder, even before delivery, the excess colostrum is surrendered and stored in the refrigerator to drink to the born kids. Diseases of goats after lambing are associated with ruptures, lack of afterbirth, or loss of the uterus. All this is the studied consequences and with the help of a veterinarian everything is cured. The main thing at this time is not to bring the infection inside.

Okot should be kept in a clean dry place.

Postpartum infection occurs by the colonization of microbes in the birth canal. The temperature rises to 41 and the goat becomes sluggish. Can not be cured - the animal will die.


Diseases of the udder

And now remember about the incomplete infections. A weakened animal with low immunity is their prey. It is at this moment that the udder's diseases begin in goats. Lose milk easily, if hygiene and climatic conditions are not observed. Inflammation of the udder can be primary, the infection will penetrate from the dirty bedding or towels through the open nipples.

On the udder of the goat, a lump may appear. This is the result of a staphylococcal infection that has got through the hair follicles and caused an abscess. This is a very painful manifestation, similar to a human boil.

If suppuration began, it is accelerated by applying ichthyol ointment, Vaseline with calendula. Break open wounds are disinfected with iodine or alcohol. A solution of penicillin, streptocides treat the nucleus of the abscess and heal the wound, using medical and folk remedies.

Cracks on the nipple occur when milking, when hygiene is not observed and the skin becomes dry. Cracks will make themselves known about blood.

Care, disinfection, lubrication with baby cream will fix the situation. A goat can damage the udder with horns if it itches. Look, there are no insects.

Read also:Treatment of mastitis in a goat at home

The udder, filled with milk, consists of a delicate tissue that is easily traumatized by rough handling. The swollen udder is painful, blood may appear, the ailment resembles mastitis. Only light massage, compresses and warming ointments will save the situation.

With all these diseases, milk can be given to a goat, eaten, if there is no foreign smell from the means of care.

With mastitis, udder disease in goats, milk becomes unsuitable. In the milk ducts, bacteria that cause inflammation develop, and together with milk they can infect goats and humans.

Mastitis is distinguished:

  • streptococcal;
  • serous;
  • gangrenous;
  • catarrhal.

Regardless of the type of bacteria, they multiply rapidly under favorable conditions, and visible signs the disease becomes an appearance in the milk of blood, broaches, mucus, lumps that clog dairy ducts.

Folk remedies can alleviate the condition of the wet nurse, but specially selected antibiotics can kill the infection. To preserve the microflora of the stomach at this time the doctor prescribes additional medicines and vitamins.

Video about stomach diseases of goats

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