Brick facade masonry, product specifications and necessary tools


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of a brick facade
  • 2 Types of bricks
    • 2.1 Silicate
    • 2.2 Clinker
    • 2.3 Hyperpressed
    • 2.4 Ceramic
  • 3 Types of bricklaying
  • 4 Dimensions, labeling and texture of the material
  • 5 Styling solutions
  • 6 Tools for work
  • 7 How to lay a brick
  • 8 Common mistakes
  • 9 Video
  • 10 Brick facade photo

Facing the house is an important condition on which the further deterioration of the entire structure depends. For this reason, it is important that it is strong, strong, and most importantly - high-quality. Therefore, many builders believe that it is the laying of the facade of the brick that allows for a long time to maintain the original appearance of the structure, and also extends the wear period of the house for a long period. But before proceeding with the masonry, it is worth considering the types of materials that can be used for the facade.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick facade

Facing the facade of a house made of brick is a sufficiently reliable external coating, which provides not only high protection, but also gives a rich appearance to the building. In addition, brick cladding has a number of advantages:

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  • brickwork has clear, concise geometric shapes and sizes;
  • the lining has a breathable structure. ATcommunicationwithby, whatbrickthe wallspossessporosity, theybring outmoisture, soinsidehousesnevernotarisesdampness;
  • brick material has increased resistance to sunlight. This property is ensured by the presence in ceramic products of non-fading dyes and elements;
  • brickwork does not need to be additionally treated with special solutions against exposure to aggressive atmospheric precipitation;
  • the brick base can withstand sudden changes in temperature both indoors and outdoors on the street;
  • long-term wear - the facade made of brick material has a long service life, it can easily stand from 50 to 100 years. But it is worth remembering that its service life directly depends on the type of brick, the method of its laying and the observance of the whole procedure when installing a brick facade;
  • endure wind effects;
  • have a reduced level of stress, deformation. For this reason, facades rarely crack, various damage;
  • acceptablelevelheat resistanceproductsofbrickssteadfastlytolerateimpactsfire;
  • the brick base has a low level of moisture absorption - from 6 to 30%. Therefore, houses with a facade of this material can withstand the increased level of moisture;
  • if you suddenly need to repair a certain area, you can easily replace it with a new brick;
  • The material is highly environmentally friendly. It does not emit toxic substances, therefore it does not have a harmful effect on human health;
  • from a brick base, various architectural and design decisions can be made - arches, niches, curved niches, complex structures;
  • easy care - in order to wash away dirt from the surface of a brick facade, it is enough to rinse the dust with water from a hose.

But in addition to the advantages, there are also negative qualities, but they are much smaller in contrast to the positive aspects. The disadvantages include the following characteristics:

  • it is necessary to equip a reinforced foundation;
  • during masonry, difficulties may arise;
  • high cost of work;
  • ordinary brick cladding has low thermal insulation qualities.
Brick facade
Beautiful brick facade in white
Beautiful brick facade in a modern style
Brick house cladding

Types of bricks

The brick facade of buildings can be made of different types of material. The basic requirement is that the cladding be durable. Therefore, choosing a material, it is worthwhile to carefully familiarize yourself with its types and properties.

The following material can be used to clad the external walls of buildings:

  • silicate type;
  • clinker type;
  • hyperpressed type;
  • ceramic look.
Hyper pressed brick
Ceramic brick
Brick brick
Silicate brick


This type of brick is considered a simple and budgetary construction option for cladding buildings. But, despite this, he has a number of advantages:

  • this material has high thermal insulation;
  • provides high protection of external walls from deformations, cracks, various damages;
  • It is an excellent obstacle from the effects of moisture, precipitation;
  • withstands sudden changes in temperature;
  • the installation of this material is simple, so even a beginner in this business can cope with it;
  • prevalencethismaterialpossiblyto getatbuildingthe store.
Disadvantages of silicate brick
Facade decoration - options
The advantages of silicate brick


In its properties, this material is similar to a classic brick. It has a low cost and is also suitable for facade cladding. In addition, it has a number of positive features:

  • clinker brick has high strength;
  • durability - this material has a service life of 50 to 100 years;
  • possesses a unique composition - clay with a certain structure is used to manufacture this material, it is fired at a temperature of almost 1200 degrees Celsius. During this firing, sintering of elements inside the brick structure is observed;
  • issued with a different texture;
  • on sale you can find a brick of clinker type with various colors.
Clinker brick for the facade
Scope of a brick brick
Cladding brick facade


This material is made from shell rock with the addition of crushed limestone. It is ideal for installation on the exterior walls of buildings.

Main features of this material:

  • high strength - its degree is almost 150-300 kg / cm2;
  • has a low level of water absorption, almost 6%. This property prevents dampness, fungal and mold lesions inside the house;
  • It has an increased frost resistance class, therefore it does not collapse under the influence of severe frosts in the cold season
  • various forms of execution, size range provide the opportunity to create facades with a unique style;
  • various color schemes that will give the external walls an unusual, bright appearance.
Hyperpressed brick in facade cladding
Hyper pressed cladding brick successfully replaces natural stone in the decoration of facades
Modern facade cladding


Ceramic brick is an excellent basis for decorating the external walls of buildings, structures, residential buildings. In its composition, quality, strength, it is not inferior to other types of brick material. In addition, it is worth highlighting the main positive characteristics of this type of brick:

  • brick of ceramic type may have a complete or, conversely, hollow structure;
  • regardless of structure, the material has a high level of water absorption, so dampness, fungal infections, mold do not occur in the room;
  • It resists exposure to sunlight;
  • has a high level of fire resistance - when exposed to an open flame does not ignite;
  • has a unique composition - clay of the highest grade is used for the production of this brick, so the base of the cladding looks original, beautiful and stylish;
  • may have a different surface structure - glazed (smooth) and matte.

Since ceramic brick has only a few colors, on sale it is found in red, brown, orange colors. Therefore, choosing a brick, it is worth considering this quality.

Ceramic brick in the facade
Facing brick
Original ceramic brick masonry

Types of bricklaying

Brick for the facade is a fairly durable material with high quality, unique texture, beautiful appearance. But still, the final result of a brick facade depends on how the main material is installed. It is worth remembering that the duration of wear of the entire structure, as well as its appearance, will depend on literacy and responsibility for the performance of all work.

Brick for the facade can be installed in several ways, it is worth highlighting the most original methods:

  • trackintimesettingby thiswayeverythinglayershaveonlylongthe parties. Atsettingof the partiesare mixedonsomecmateacha number of;
  • block type - this type of masonry has the property of constantly alternating the short and long sides of the brick material, in which the joints are installed in an upright position;
  • cross - in this method of laying, brick material with long and short sides alternates in the same way as when installing a block type. But on each side of the second row it is necessary to shift half a brick, thanks to this installation method, the result is a cross;
  • Gothic type masonry - with this installation method, alternating short and long sides of the brick is observed. As a result, it turns out that in the second rows the joints are located one above the other, and in the first rows - the brick material is shifted by half the short side;
  • decorative masonry - this masonry involves not only the installation of bricks in the form of various patterns, but their diversity with multi-colored material.
Types of bricklaying
Types of facing brick masonry

When choosing a particular masonry method, it is worth considering that the installation technology can not always be within the power, especially if you are still new to this business. It is best to entrust the installation of brick for the facade to professionals, because it is he who can do it right.

Dimensions, labeling and texture of the material

Before proceeding with the installation of a brick facade, it is worthwhile to find out the size range, marking and structure. The table below shows the approximate dimensions of the brick material.


Size Marking Size range
Single Type Brick 1 NF 250x120x65
Euro 0.7 NF 250x85x65
Single type modular 1.3 nf 288x138x65
One and a half brick 1.4 nf 250x120x88
With horizontal voids 14 nf 250x120x88
Double brick 2.1 nf

3.7 nf

2.9 NF

1.8 nf

4.5 nf

3.2 nf







Large-format stone with porous ceramic structure 14.3 NF

11.2 NF

10.7 nf

9.3 NF

6.8 nf

4.9 NF

6.0 nf








Types and sizes of facing bricks
Dimensions of facing bricks
Possible brick shapes
Front brick shapes

Styling solutions

In order for the brick cladding of the house to hold for a long time, protect the external walls from various negative consequences, prevented their destruction and performed the role of an excellent partition from atmospheric precipitation, it is necessary to choose a quality mixture for brick installation.

Solutions for installing a brick facade are of the following types:

  • cement - this solution is prepared from dry sand and cement powder. The proportions of these components can be different, it all depends on the quality of the cement. Typically, one to three parts to three parts of cement is sand. This mortar is suitable for installing any brick, provides a solid mount to its base;
  • calcareous - these solutions have an increased level of ductility, but they are not as durable as cement. They need to be used for the construction of interior walls, doors. The composition of the solution includes lime dough, sand and quicklime powder;
  • cement-lime mortar - the composition of this mixture includes lime dough and cement. The finished solution has high ductility, strength. It can be used for fastening for almost all types of bricks.
Cement-lime mortar for bricklaying
Brick mortar

Tools for work

After the material for the facade is selected, you can proceed to the installation itself, the formation of the facade. First of all, you need to be well prepared for the workflow. Be sure to prepare the necessary inventory, which must include the following tools:

  • a tool for teski and chopping bricks - a pickaxe hammer;
  • the tool used for collecting the solution, as well as for leveling - trowel or spatula;
  • device for embroidery - it is used to give the seam a specific profile;
  • Plumb - this device is necessary to check the level of verticality of the wall surface. Its weight should be in the range of 200-600 grams;
  • order made of wood material. It is used for fixing and marking rows of masonry;
  • ground type cord - this device is used for reference. It helps to mark straight lines, horizontal rows when laying;
  • tape measure for the necessary measurements;
  • buckets;
  • shovels;
  • a concrete mixer or a container for diluting a mortar for laying bricks.
Tools for work
Masonry tools

How to lay a brick

The technology of all work begins with the preparatory phase. The first step is to bring in the necessary masonry material. The next step is to prepare the mortar for masonry. If you plan to carry out small volumes, then the solution can be done immediately. If a lot of work is planned, then it can be done in several steps.

Well, if there is a concrete mixer, it will facilitate the whole work process.

Mortar preparation using a concrete mixer
Use of concrete mixer

Facing technology is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the first step is preparing the surface of the walls. It should be cleaned, if there are cracks, chips, then they are closed;
  • there must be a gap of 25-35 mm between the wall and the cladding. In this place it will be possible to place any heat-insulating material;
  • it is desirable that present are present. They should be located below and above the brickwork. These places provide constant air circulation;
The souls
The presence of vents in the facade cladding is necessary for the free penetration of air behind the cladding
  • in order for the masonry to be strong, it should be strengthened with load-bearing walls. To do this, it is recommended to make flexible connections for facing bricks and aerated concrete. Flexible connections are made of metal wire and dowels, which are installed every 3-5 rows of masonry;
Flexible connections
Flexible masonry ties
  • then the brick is installed on a previously prepared mortar. Walls can be lined in the form of various masonry methods, drawings, patterns can be made;
  • brick laying starts from the corners of the walls;
  • lining of drawings should be performed from the 6th row. In order for the styling to be straight, it is recommended to additionally pull the thread.

Common mistakes

It is worth remembering that when laying a brick facade, errors may occur that should be eliminated in time:

  • deviations from the vertical or uneven seams. With this error, the wall can often protrude in the central part or it can move from the vertical to the left or right side. To eliminate this defect, it is possible by applying a thick layer of solution, but for facing this method is better not to use. It is better to be careful in advance, try to prevent the occurrence of this defect;
  • uneven seams - mortar seams of vertical and horizontal type should be the same - 10 mm. Deviations up or down are undesirable. Otherwise, this will adversely affect the overall appearance of the entire building;
  • defective bricks - do not install bricks with various defects, cracks, chips, deformations. All these defects will adversely affect the general appearance of the building facade;
  • stained masonry - when laying the cladding, you need to be especially careful, if the solution accidentally falls from the trowel onto the wall, it can dry out. It will be especially noticeable against the light background of the cladding.
Masonry destruction
The brick cladding of the old house collapsed due to excessive load on the base

Laying bricks on the surface of the walls of a building is a rather complicated process that only professionals can handle. But if you still want to do this work yourself, be sure to select the appropriate material, study its properties. It is from him that the further deterioration of the entire structure will depend. Do not forget to purchase the necessary equipment, due to it you can much faster carry out the entire process of laying wall cladding.


Facing brick laying technology.

Brick facade photo

Brick design options for building facades.

Bavarian bricklaying
Flexible brick for the facade
Brick masonry - technology and description
Yellow brick house
Brick house
How to lay facing brick
Facade brick
Hand-molded brick
Brick brick
Facade brick for the facade
Facing brick
Facade decoration with facing brick
Facade decoration
Scope of facing brick of manual molding
Front yellow brick
Brick color
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