Now replacing old wooden windows with new plastic ones is becoming relevant for me. Many people share their experiences updating wooden frames on the Internet. This is actually not as difficult and costly as it might seem at first glance. There are even a number of cases where restoration is more important than installing new plastic windows.
Usually these are non-standard sizes of the window opening. In such cases, a double-glazed window for individual measurements will cost more than a standard one. In addition, restoring your own frame on your own, you can give it absolutely any look, paint it in any desired color, make the window a stylish addition to the entire interior.
The most important thing in this case is to make sure that the wooden frames are in good condition and have not rotted anywhere. If any damaged areas are found, you need to exchange them for new ones, and then purchase everything you need:
- Building hair dryer;
- Rigid spatula;
- Vibratory grinder;
- Grinding wheels for her (4 packs per window);
- Stain (2 bottles per window);
- Brushes;
- Shtapiki (approximately 10 levels per window);
- Yacht varnish;
- Hardware;
- Glass (optional);
- Sealant.
Of course, most of the money will go to the tool if it is not available. In this case, it is comforting that the purchase of a tool is always an investment in future repairs. The steps for updating a wooden window will be as follows.
First you need to clean the frame. To do this, you need a hairdryer and putty knife. It is necessary to completely remove the old paint. To avoid unnecessary discomfort, you need to wear a protective mask. At the same time, the hair dryer should not be too close to the glass, otherwise it may crack. The grinder goes further. The first step is grinding with a 60 grit, then 80 and at the end 100 grit.

When the frame has acquired a basic finished look, you can decorate it. To do this, you can paint it with a stain along with previously cut glazing beads. This substance dries very quickly, after which you need to insert the glass and fasten them with glazing beads. To prevent them from cracking, it is recommended to drill holes for nails. If a new glass is placed for the updated frame, a thickness of 4 mm will be sufficient.
The next step is to coat the wooden parts with varnish. To do this, use masking tape to glue the edges of the glass. For greater convenience, dilute the varnish with white alcohol. If you want the surface to turn out to be perfectly smooth, glossy, you need to walk on it with a 150 grinding wheel after drying the first coat of varnish.

When the latches and handles are screwed, it is necessary to glue the frames with insulation and grease the hinges so that they do not creak. In order for the window to acquire a more complete harmonious look, it is worth doing the same actions with the windowsill.
When updating a wooden window, most of the time will take off the old paint and drying stain and varnish. However, in any case, it turns out to be much more profitable than buying and installing a new double-glazed window. In addition, wood is an absolutely environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing material.

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