No overhaul of a room is complete without finishing such an important part of the room as the ceiling. In addition to finishing work, alignment of the ceiling is extremely important. There are two proven methods for achieving this goal: “wet” using plaster and “dry” using drywall. To the extent that most people have an idea of how to work with such material as plaster, let's talk about the features of the alternative - “dry” method.

Aligning the ceiling using plasterboard sheets is a more complex process than using plaster. That is why this method is less popular. Often, “dry” leveling is excellent for those surfaces that have strong differences and it is extremely difficult to remove them with plaster. The advantage of leveling with drywall is a significant savings in time and money. Indeed, almost immediately after installation of the structure, the ceiling has an excellent smooth surface.

The “dry” leveled ceiling is a metal structure, the components of which are a metal profile and drywall. With the help of profiles, the required size is erected, on which drywall sheets are attached.

If you consider the whole process in stages, then it can be divided into such steps as:
- Preliminary marking of the ceiling.
- Mark the points where the suspensions will be attached. They connect the entire structure with the ceiling.
- Assembly of metal profiles in a single frame.
- Installation of all communications electrical wiring in an already finished design.
- Preparation of drywall sheets by giving them the desired shape and size.
- Fastening the processed sheets to the finished frame.
This type of ceiling is suitable for installation in absolutely any room. The modern choice offers consumers sheets with a high level of moisture resistance and strength.

Speaking about alternative methods of leveling, one cannot but mention the installation of suspended and false ceilings. Besides the fact that they are able to give the room an attractive appearance, suspended ceilings also perfectly hide absolutely all defects.

Not every home has flat ceilings. In order to get rid of an unpleasant defect, it is not necessary to mess around with plaster for a long time.
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