Arbors from profile pipes - the main features

For the cultivation of various crops in the summer, it has long been no longer used plots located next to suburban cottages. A separate place is allocated for a vegetable garden or garden, and people usually try to equip a place of rest and relaxation near a house. Thanks to this, after a busy day, owners can be quiet and relax. Arbors made of profile pipes are found on the courtyards quite often. They are being built precisely for this purpose.


Profile pipes differ quite much from other metalwork options. It is they that are best suited for the independent creation of a gazebo.


Such pipes have a section in the form of a rectangle or square. Their weight is small, since the product is hollow inside, but the strength is high enough to create a variety of designs. Loads are distributed evenly both in the pipes themselves and in the parts associated with them. From profile products, you can create beautiful and original arbors.


Profiled pipes are universal material. They are suitable for both power and decorative elements. They can also be used to create tables and benches. The base of the gazebo is created from square metal, as it can withstand loads better than round. Non-force and lightly loaded structural elements can be made of rectangular steel. It will be the best option for fencing or lathing.

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In addition to profile pipes, during the construction of the gazebo, it will also be necessary to prepare roofing material. Polycarbonate is great for this purpose. Only two basic materials make it possible to create aesthetically attractive and lightweight designs. A simple tool is used in construction - a grinder and an electric drill. Of course, the welding machine will not hurt, but not everyone can use it, and not all home masters have such devices.


The construction of the gazebo from the profile pipes begins with the preparation of the project. The type of construction is determined in advance. The most popular are gazebos with six or four faces. The rectangle or square at the bottom is the best choice for beginners. Mounting such arbors is much simpler, and the calculations can also be performed independently. Complex and elaborate elements during the first experiment are best avoided. All data on the dimensions and materials used must be applied to the drawing in advance. Installation methods should also be considered before buying materials and installation work.

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