How to choose a vinyl laminate


  • 1 How to choose
  • 2 Types of Vinyl Laminate
  • 3 Wear classes

Such a coating as a vinyl laminate appeared on the market quite recently, but this material is quite versatile. Outwardly, it looks like planks of several parts, you can choose a surface with an imitation of almost any natural material. The great popularity of such a flooring brought its many advantages.


How to choose

Compared to a conventional and even moisture resistant laminate, vinyl is even more moisture resistant. This means that for rooms with high humidity and temperature extremes, such a coating will be more successful and preferred. It is often used in saunas, baths, not to mention home bathrooms. Taking care of the material is very easy.


Consumers will be pleased with a wide variety of colors and textures of vinyl laminate, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for their premises. Thanks to modern painting technologies, you can give the surface any shade with imitation of wood, stone, marble, metal, etc.

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Types of Vinyl Laminate

There are several ways to lay this material on the surface. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, but choose a material on a glue basis, this option is the simplest. Paper is applied on the bottom, before proceeding with installation, it is removed, and then the plank is glued to the floor surface.


If the panels that are glued to the floor with a special glue, but in this case, you will need another building hair dryer. The material should be laid tight for the best future use. No mechanical impact on the surface of such a floor will be completely scary. However, if the panel is damaged, then replacing it will not work, because this option is not the most popular among consumers and construction crews.


Wear classes

When choosing a vinyl laminate for your home, do not forget to pay attention to its ability to withstand loads.

For apartments, 23 and 31 classes are quite enough, the thickness of the protective coating is not big here, but this is quite enough. For places where there are often a lot of people, for example, for offices, shops, it is best to choose 32-42 class, it is very durable. Some choose it for home use, the service life of the coating in this case will be at least 15 years.


For industrial buildings or gyms, 43 class is chosen, it has the highest stability.

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