Tile is a very popular building material, and is mainly used for cladding. However, the narrow orientation of the tile does not prevent it from being divided into many types, types, categories, which are used depending on a variety of conditions. There are floor tiles, which require good strength, there are heat-insulating tiles, which must withstand high temperatures. There are ceiling tiles, light and aesthetically pleasing. And sometimes mosaic tiles, which require very special qualities.
What is mosaic tile and what is it like? This is a special facing tile made of various natural materials such as travertine, slate, marble, onyx, granite, labradorite. There is also a tile made from artificial stone, it is porcelain tile, agglomerate. In the assortment of manufacturers there are many more types of such tiles, which differ in a large number of parameters.
Thanks to a sufficiently large selection of textures, shapes and colors, mosaic tiles can apply not just as a means to repair an apartment, but as a real design element art. Mosaic tiles made of natural, natural stone, usually lasts about 50 years, and under certain conditions, longer. It perfectly tolerates high humidity, heat, cold, and can withstand other physical stresses. That is why natural tiles are ideal for high-quality lining of pools, baths and saunas, apartment bathrooms, as well as for decorating the walls of fireplaces. The most popular tile at all times has been and remains a tile made of granite.
As a rule, during the repair, the so-called "carpets" are used with the original mosaic. Even in the manufacture of tiles stick to a special grid or paper - this is necessary for the convenience of subsequent installation.

Mosaic "carpet" can cover absolutely any surface, even curved and having all sorts of curly and very complex geometric shapes. The process of laying and decorating surfaces with tiles is best entrusted to a professional, since the slightest inaccuracy and negligence allowed during installation will certainly catch the eye. Mosaic tiles in this regard are very moody material, but in skillful hands with its help you can achieve a truly stunning change visual perception of room imperfections, smooth corners, mask unsightly water pipes and so on and so on and so forth like that.
Using mosaic tiles in your apartment or office, you can create copies of absolutely any painting. But there is one “but”: the larger the picture, the larger the distance it is necessary to consider it, otherwise it will look like an ordinary "riot" of pixels. Therefore, the closer the wall with the picture to the opposite wall, the smaller the image should be.

In addition to natural and artificial stone tiles, there is a mosaic glass tile. The glass tile is quite beautiful, and in terms of durability it is not inferior to a tile from the above materials. Glass mosaic is very pleasant to the touch, but glass tile designed for floors, made with a rough surface, such a surface is needed to prevent the sliding effect feet on the floor. Mosaic tiles for flooring should have increased strength. The standard size of the tile intended for walls is about 20x20 mm in area, thickness - 3-5 mm. Tiles intended for laying on the floor of premises are usually produced in sizes of 12x12 mm in area and thicknesses of 8-10 mm. More expensive mosaic glass tiles are made with additives that mimic natural stone.

In addition to multi-colored matrices (“carpets”), there are various other “mixtures”, panels, “extensions” and borders. “Mixes” usually consist of sheets on a solid basis with mosaic elements of various colors glued onto them, and in a completely different ratio of% of complements. Stretch marks are a mixture of mosaic material with a fairly smooth transition of color from dark tones to light tones. Borders are ornaments that are made of mosaics with an area of about 60-180 cm. The panel is made in the form of an artistic composition, laid out of mosaic tiles with different colors.
Caring for any type of mosaic tile is very simple - you just need to wipe it from time to time a clean damp cloth, and then she will delight you with her picturesqueness and beauty for more than a dozen years old.

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