Tapestry fabric can be double-sided or single-sided.

Tapestry - a fabric made using cross-weaving threads. At the same time as manufacturing, an ornamental or plot composition is created on it. This material has always been of high quality, durability and a sufficiently large weight. Its structure consists of two or three layers, which explains such characteristics. Amazing paintings arise due to the large number of threads of different colors, interlaced in a special way. The subtle color nuances that result are impressive.


Even at the time of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, the first prototypes of the tapestry arose. The horizons of opportunities expanded significantly when civilization learned to create elegant drawings on textiles, first by hand, and then by machine. In the seventeenth century, the material received the name known today. The production of dense decorative paintings was then started by the Tapestry brothers from France.


Surprisingly, the technology for creating this material remains the same today. Only the design of the looms and the appearance of the products change over time. More advanced equipment is used today to create tapestries, so the fabric itself has become more affordable than before. Once upon a time, only really rich people could afford to buy it. Now, if you want to buy furniture upholstered in a tapestry, or just a canvas, almost anyone can.

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Tapestry composition

The jacquard weaving method underlies the production of such fabric. Thanks to him, you can create complex multi-color drawings. Standard ducks are interwoven with several shades of various shades. The plot is created precisely thanks to the second type of thread. Structurality of the pattern is given using different thicknesses of the used yarn.


The fibers in the tapestry can be either natural or synthetic. Today, paintings are created mainly from viscose, polyester, acrylic, cotton, silk and wool.

Tapestry is a wear-resistant, durable and durable material. Its density is very high. In addition, the fabric is crush resistant. The scope is determined by the characteristics of the material. Having indicators from two hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty grams per square meter, the tapestry is used to create bedspreads, upholstered furniture, curtains. One hundred eighty grams per square meter is enough for sewing clothes.


The tapestry is very resistant to creasing. He practically does not crease. This is explained by the density of the material, the method of weaving and the properties of the fibers. In addition, the tapestry retains its colors well. The threads that are used to create it are stained with quality. But at the same time, it is not advisable to leave the fabric under the influence of direct sunlight, since as a result, at a certain moment, it will still cause fading.


If the tapestry is properly looked after, it does not sit and stretch, that is, it does not undergo deformations. There can be one or two layers in a fabric. The weight of the fabric, as mentioned above, can vary. Light, heavy and medium heavy tapestry is distinguished. Depending on the color and design solutions, one-colored, melange, resembling embroidery, with small and large drawings material is distinguished. Tapestry fabric can be double-sided or single-sided.


The most daring ideas can be realized with the help of a tapestry. Traditionally, this material is used for upholstering sofas, armchairs and other types of upholstered furniture. Also, accessories for interior decoration are made from it (decorative panels, carpet products, bedspreads, curtains and the like). In tailoring, this material is also used. From the tapestry create stunning dresses and costumes. It is suitable for the manufacture of belts, cosmetic bags, handbags and other products.

The advantages of the tapestry determine its versatility. The following qualities are successfully combined in this fabric: functionality and pleasant texture, practicality and attractive appearance, durability and beauty, durability and color fastness. Some disadvantages of the material are also present. These, in particular, include a fairly large weight. In addition, the tapestry is not amenable to drapery, as it is tough. Wash tapestry at home is highly recommended. Also, do not iron it, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to eliminate creases and folds in the future.


To care for the tapestry, it is recommended to use dry cleaning services. You can also periodically clean it from dust with a soft brush and vacuum cleaner. The place where the tapestry will be kept should be well ventilated. The front side of the fabric is preferably wound on an object with a large diameter in order to avoid the formation of creases and folds during storage.

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