It is important to know about the composition and types of carpet in order not to be mistaken

At first, when the carpet only appeared, it was used mainly in office premises and it was rarely seen in houses and apartments. Now, this type of coating adorns any kind of interiors of residential premises, even children's rooms.


Carpet Composition

Let's talk about what this carpet consists of. On its slice, you can perfectly view such components as the base, lining and pile. Most often, carpet is found with just such a structure.


Do not buy carpets made of pure wool if someone from your family is allergic to wool. Today, the market of carpet coverings is widely represented coatings made of synthetic, natural and blended yarns (a combination of natural yarn and synthetics).


Let's talk about the carpet, which is made of natural fibers. The advantage of this type of coating is its elasticity and resistance to moisture. It is easy to clean and has a low flammability rating. The disadvantage of this coating is its high price and shorter life compared to artificial coatings.


If you want to check the carpet for naturalness, then for this it will be enough to scorch its edge. If the carpet is natural, the thread will smolder for a very long time, and there will be practically no smell. Synthetic - the thread burns out very quickly and has an unpleasant smell.

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Coatings made of nylon are very high-quality - they are pleasant to the touch, do not leave any special traces of furniture, do not fade much in the sun and are easy to clean. The service life of this coating is 10-15 years.


The second place in quality is occupied by acrylic coatings made of polyester. The polyester coating has an affordable price, but the service life is from 5 to 8 years.

The main and only advantage of such a carpet is its price category. The disadvantages are synthetic sheen and unpleasant stiffness.


Quite often, carpets are made from olefin, although experts call it material of the past. In the future, such a carpet will be used much less often due to the fact that its quality does not meet modern needs. Price is the trump card of this coverage. The term of operation is 5–7 years.


We hope that our tips will be useful when choosing a carpet for your home or apartment!

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