Matching LED Bulb

LED lamp and incandescent lamp

LED lamp It is a light source whose operation is based on the properties of semiconductors.


  • Comparative characteristics
  • Indicators, pros and cons of LED-lamps
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Incandescent lamp
  • Advantages and disadvantages

It consists of the following components:

  • diffuser;
  • a cluster consisting of a board with LEDs placed on it;
  • heat sink;
  • driver (power supply);
  • basement;

The operation of the lamps is based on the emission of light waves by an LED LED when current is passed through it. It is a diode on semiconductors of various types.

The principle of operation is the pn transition of semiconductor electrons under the influence of an electric current. Two semiconductors with different charges are used. Type n has a negative charge, because it has extra electrons, and type p, on the contrary, does not have enough electrons.

Instead, there are empty holes in the form of holes. This type of semiconductor has a positive charge. If a current is passed through connected semiconductors of different types, the excess electrons of one will tend to occupy the free spaces of the other, i.e. move from one energy level to another.

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This transition will be accompanied by the release of energy, which is manifested by visible light flux. Almost all of the released energy is converted into light, with the exception of photons having a long wave. They are immediately absorbed with the release of heat heating the semiconductor.

To protect against overheating during operation of the LED, it is protected by heat sinks.

Comparative characteristics

The advantages of LED lamps are best seen from a comparison of the main characteristics shown in the table:

Lamp type Life time(thousand hours) Light return(max)(lm / W) Colour temperature(TO) Disposal Mechanicalsustainability
Incandescent lamp 0,8-1 8-10 3200 there is Low
LED 50-100 120-140 2700-7000 Not High

When choosing LED lamps, you should focus on the correspondence of its power to ordinary bulbs with a filament.

There are comparative tables for this, one of which is given below:

Incandescent lamp LED lamp
Power, W Luminous flux, lm Power, W Luminous flux, lm
25 220 5 250
40 420 6,5 420
60 720 10 760
75 940 12 850
100 1360 21 1500

Indicators, pros and cons of LED-lamps

LED lamps

They are characterized by the following important indicators:

  1. Power consumption electricity. Lies in the range from 1 W to 10 W. For street spotlights Sources from 100 W and more are used. This indicator characterizes mainly the speed of electricity consumption, and not the intensity of lighting.
  2. Luminous flux. Its values ​​are measured in lumens. Unfortunately, this indicator is often indicated in small print or not at all. The reference is the compliance with the luminous flux of an incandescent lamp, the power of which is indicated on the packaging box. The issue of selecting the required power is important when buying LED light sources, and it will be more correct to recalculate their light flux to the equivalent power of tungsten bulbs.
  3. Type of cap.
  4. Operating temperature range. The spread of the range depends on the manufacturer, the characteristics of the crystals and other factors. The maximum values ​​of LED sources from - 60 degrees to + 60 degrees.
  5. Color temperature. It is known that at different heating temperatures, substances glow in different colors. For example, a tungsten arc when heated to 1200 degrees Kelvin begins to glow in red. Incandescent lamps have a color temperature range of 2200aboutK up to 2800aboutK, the indicator of which depends on power. The shades of the glow of LED lamps are associated with the nature of the materials used in the manufacture of semiconductors, and the intensity of the glow depends on the current strength. LED lamps have colors:
    • Warm shade, in the range of 27000K to 35000TO.
    • Neutral (Day) Tint, in the range of 42000K to 54000TO.
    • Cool white colorfrom 65000K and more.
  6. Permissible operating voltage power source. LED products are an alternative to conventional lighting from incandescent lamps, so they are powered by 220V. Also, there are models with a small base, which require a voltage of 12V. For this, special adapters are used.

LED lighting is designed for all existing lighting devices used in everyday life, offices and in the workplace. The base of such lamps should go up to their cartridge and easily screw in. Therefore, it should not differ from the caps of conventional incandescent devices, which have three parameters: E40, E27 and E14. The size of the E27 base is the most universal, it is often called the "large".

For LED lighting, the uptime is provided for between 30,000 and 50,000 hours. For each product, it is different and depends on the manufacturer, the semiconductor material and its technical characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

LED lampLED products have many advantages:

  1. They consume much less electricity. compared to others types of lampsintended for domestic use. For example, compared with an incandescent lamp, electricity is consumed 8-10 times less. At the same time, the light output for each watt of energy used is about 120 lm, while a tungsten light bulb gives only 10 to 24 lm.
  2. Heat loss during operation is negligible and make up about 20% of all released energy. The main part, comprising 80%, is light radiation, in contrast to incandescent tungsten sources.
  3. LED lamps are durable, because their service life can be up to 50,000 hours.
  4. Products are safe during operation: they are not damaged when dropped, do not contain substances hazardous to humans. They do not require disposal, because they do not contain mercury.
  5.  LED lamps have a diverse spectrum of luminosity.
  6. The operation frequency is not affected by the switching frequency. and off in contrast to other lighting products.


  1. The main significant disadvantage of LED lamps is their high cost.
  2. Also, the inconvenience is the need for a heat sink that removes heat. The higher the power of the LED, the larger should be the area of ​​the heat-removing element, which affects the size of the lamp itself and the convenience of its installation in the fixtures.
  3. In designs that do not have a leveling capacitor, light may be pulsed.
  4. The direction of the light flux is one-sidedtherefore installation of several light sources or a diffuser is required. LEDs containing crystals with a large number of p-n junctions, which provide a large angle of light scattering, have been developed.

Incandescent lamp

The average service life is 1 thousand. hours.

The most famous light source, without which there is not a single room where a person is present, is an incandescent lamp. It is a device whose action is based on the glow of a spiral of metal wire heated to high temperatures, most often tungsten.

The heating of the spiral occurs when a current is passed through it. The higher the temperature of the tungsten filament, the brighter the glow. This is due to electromagnetic waves generated by a heated source.

To achieve a visible glow, the ideal temperature should correspond to its indicator on the surface of the Sun, and this is 57700K. At lower rates, the light “blushes”. Electromagnetic waves are converted into visible light only partially, most of the energy is spent on heating.

For protection, a tungsten filament is placed in a glass flask. Argon is pumped inside this tank or a vacuum is created, because when it comes into contact with air from such high temperatures, the tungsten filament is oxidized.

Tungsten light sources are available in various modifications and shapes. Flasks can be round, elongated, in the form of a mushroom. Its surface in some brands may have a matte finish in order to obtain a softer glow. They can also be with one and two spirals.

A household product is manufactured with a base marked E27 (large) and E14 (small). Operating voltage of 220 and 127 volts with power in the range from 25 to 500 watts. The luminous efficiency of tungsten products has a range from 9 to 19 lm / W.

Advantages and disadvantages

Incandescent lampClassic light sources have many advantages:

  1. They are produced in a diverse assortment.designed for different voltage and power.
  2. They are connected to the mains without additional devices.
  3. They can work with surges in the applied voltage.
  4. The intensity of the light flux by the end of operation is practically not reduced.
  5. Do not respond to temperature changes and humidity.
  6. They have compact shapes.


  1. Low light output.
  2. The predominance of yellow-red glow.
  3. Short service life.
  4. The dependence of the shade of light from the applied voltage: the higher it is within the permissible limits, the higher the temperature of the filament and the brighter the glow, which becomes white. At the same time, the service life is reduced.
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