Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before screed

Bathroom floor

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before screed

Any kind of activity will be more productive when there is a clear understanding of the processes in progress. Why is this or that operation done? Advantages and disadvantages of each method. The screed device is practically not variable, since it has standard concrete composition and the required layer thickness.


  • Why is waterproofing necessary before screeding?
  • Types of floor waterproofing
  • Features of each type of waterproofing
  • Pros and cons of all ways
  • What makes the final price
  • Used materials and necessary tools
  • Phased operations and technology
  • How to avoid mistakes. Tips & Tricks

But technologies for preliminary waterproofing are much more. Both when choosing the material, and during installation. You can get a satisfactory result in several ways, significantly differing in the time required to complete the work and financial costs.

Why is waterproofing necessary before screeding?

The question is not rhetorical, but practical. The need for this important operation is due to the following reasons:

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  • Screed quality. The setting and formation of the concrete layer directly depends on the pouring conditions and withstanding the temporary and humidity characteristics. The waterproofing layer will hold water in the solution, which, subject to other conditions, contributes to the formation of a strong and reliable screed. Premature dehydration disrupts the formation of a high-quality cement layer.
  • Protect the room from moisture. This problem is especially relevant for the inhabitants of the first floors. The immediate proximity of the soil with its seasonal variations in humidity, firstly. And secondly, communication routes passing under the apartments of the first floors (water supply and sewage) sometimes fail, which almost guarantees the penetration of fumes and odors into an apartment. Owners of apartments on the upper floors will also receive additional protection against leaks caused by the penetration of moisture through the voids in the slabs.
  • High-quality waterproofing will reliably hold water in the room and protect the neighbors from the bottom from the flood. Repairing one rather than two apartments is much cheaper.
Floor waterproofing
Roll waterproofing

Types of floor waterproofing

The determining factor in the classification of species is the coating material:

  • Roll method. A wide selection of materials for price and quality. PVC films, waterproofing membranes and bitumen-based coatings.
  • Dry mixes. Mortars, which, after on-site preparation and application, polymerize to form a waterproof layer.
  • Coating. The basis of the composition can serve as various substances with the necessary qualities. The assortment is huge and differs in price variety. From professional mixes for waterproofing swimming pools that can withstand significant physical exertion, to inexpensive budget plasters, affordable for most consumers.
  • Penetrating solutions. The substances included in the composition have good indicators of adhesion and mobility. Penetrating into the structure of concrete, they crystallize and fill microcracks and pores.
Waterproofing waterproofing

Features of each type of waterproofing

Each of the materials has its own secrets when working with them. The variety of goods in this segment, proposed by manufacturers in each case requires an individual approach. The packaging contains detailed instructions for use, and rigorous implementation of the recommendations will achieve the maximum result.

But before buying, it’s nice to familiarize yourself with the general principles of work with this or that material:

  • Rolled, sometimes it is also called the gluing method of waterproofing, with all its diversity, has general requirements. This is the sealing of joints and the necessary approach to the wall. The quality of these operations will depend on the degree of reliability and durability of the coating. Below we will consider ways to achieve the requirements for individual groups of goods.
  • The use of dry mixes is very convenient. Divorce as much as necessary for this stage. It is important to observe the percentage of diluent, most often water, and adherence to the temporary regimen during application. The polymerization of some compounds occurs quickly and if the manufacturer recommends using the mixture within 2 hours, then this must be done just like that. Otherwise, the quality of the layer may be lower than stated. Do not walk on the coating until it has fully hardened. In some cases, it is recommended to cover the surface with a film.
  • Lubricants are perhaps the easiest way to waterproof. For all its simplicity, accuracy and attention are required. Of great importance is the preparation of the surface. The presence of grease stains, dust and dirt is unacceptable. In some cases, manufacturers recommend pre-coating primers for reliable adhesion.
  • The use of penetrating solutions is in many ways similar to the use of coatings. The requirements are similar, but it is better to apply this layer on floor slabs of good quality and with securely sealed joints. Liquid varnishes and mastics of this class should not be used on an uneven surface with visible major damage. If waterproofing is done by this method, then only on a previously prepared surface. First, they pass with plaster or putty mixtures, and only then the main layer is applied. Often used in an integrated way as a primer.

Pros and cons of all ways

The method of waterproofing largely depends on the goals and the expected costs. The difference in the final cost can reach up to ten times or more. Immediately, we note that expensive materials are more technologically advanced and require less time for application or installation. But it’s not always wise to do the same waterproofing layer in terms of reliability and costs as in a bathroom or pool, where constant humidity is implied.

With the right selection of material and high-quality installation, any method, as applied to apartment conditions, has practically no disadvantages. Is that the smell of volatile substances in some paint and penetrating compounds, but the impossibility independently use certain types of coatings, due to the need for professional equipment and tools.

But the advantages are obvious:

  • The price of roll materials with a bitumen base is very affordable. The modern generation of this class does not require heating during installation, as it is equipped with an adhesive surface or special strips. The method allows almost any home master to independently make waterproofing, and this is a good cost savings. Synthetic films and membranes are more expensive, but working with them is easier and faster. In addition, their strength is very significant, and elasticity guarantees the safety and integrity of the screed under dynamic vibrations and vibrations.
  • The use of coating materials often involves only the presence of a brush or spatula.

What makes the final price

The issue of value sometimes becomes the key. The final price is formed by summing up all stages of the work. From the cost and delivery of materials to the remuneration of wage workers. Naturally, in any case, you can save. Both when choosing a film or coating, and when performing work.

So, for example, the use of high-quality and quite expensive synthetic material for self-application will be cheaper than an inexpensive bitumen film, but installed by invited masters.

The cost of laying two-layer rolled material today is about 1000 rubles per m2, which is almost identical to the flow rate when self-applying a very high-quality coating. That is, in the end, this method will be cheaper, since the price of rolled material was not taken into account here.

Used materials and necessary tools

To perform the installation of the waterproofing layer in the apartment does not require special tools and equipment. With rare exceptions, when torches are needed for surfaced materials or spray guns for rubber and some other synthetic compounds.

This is usually the lot of professionals. Using the methods available to most people, the following is necessary:

  • Brush.
  • Roller.
  • Putty knife.
  • Drill with mixer nozzle for mixing mixtures.
  • Construction dryer for heating plastic substances.
  • Knife or scissors for cutting rolled materials.
  • Vacuum cleaner for finishing before applying the waterproofing layer.
Floor waterproofing

Phased operations and technology

Whatever type of waterproofing is chosen, the order for all is the same:

  • Training. Removing convex places, cracks, pits and gaps, grease stains. Cleaning garbage and dirt.
  • Installation of rolled materials or application of compositions. Work is performed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Mandatory entry to the wall. Minimum thickness of the screed, and in bathrooms, toilets and showers 10 cm or more.
  • Final fixation time. This is the indicated time for coating or painting materials, dry mixes. During heat treatment should wait until complete cooling. All subsequent operations are performed only after the recommended period. It can be several hours or several days. Some formulations show the declared qualities after 2-3 weeks, in which case it should, carefully read the instructions. Perhaps there will be a deadline for the final polymerization, when you can, without waiting for it, continue the next stages of work.
Floor waterproofing

How to avoid mistakes. Tips & Tricks

The many years of experience accumulated by the masters shows that there are some nuances in the work that you should pay special attention to, as well as ways to help avoid the most common mistakes:

  • As practice shows, often violations of the waterproofing layer occur after pouring the screed. Installation of structures and fasteners for the installation of some household appliances or decor elements is done by other people. And the owners often forget that under a small layer of concrete there is a water-repellent layer. Drilling under the dowel nails or plugs should be done no deeper than the thickness of the coupler. If there is a need to violate the integrity of the waterproofing, then the waterproofing composition is poured into the hole. Sometimes, when designing the layout of the interior, provide for the installation of mortgages.
  • Film materials and coating compounds may not have the declared qualities due to unfair surface preparation. Experienced craftsmen before applying the layer pass the room with a vacuum cleaner. This will remove small particles from cracks and cracks, which, when coated, can be extended to the surface with a brush along with a waterproofing composition.
  • The primer can improve the quality characteristics. You should not neglect this procedure. Sometimes, in the absence of the recommended primer, specialists use the main composition. But they dilute it to a more fluid consistency.
  • The more horizontal the surface and the higher its quality, the more reliable the waterproofing layer will be. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to go through the area with leveling compounds before the work is done.
  • Metal loops for transportation and installation of floor slabs are removed. Preferably below the plane. The same procedures are performed with other sections protruding above. For example, technological ends of reinforcement or stones.
  • The floor level is checked to identify the lowest places where water will accumulate if ingested. These areas are processed especially carefully, sometimes two or three times.
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