Wall inlet valve

The modern device of window systems made of plastic and wood strive for the complete alienation of street space from a comfortable home, protecting it from noise, air and other influences. This disrupts the general circulation of air inside the room.

Soviet construction standards implied that a supply air from slots and other openings in windows and balcony doors would be added to natural ventilation. Modern standards have generally forgotten about the natural ventilation of rooms, they often save on this, hence the shortage fresh air in the room, respiratory diseases of the human body, as well as unpleasant phenomena with mold on the walls and windows.


  • Function and Application
  • Device
  • Species and type diversity
  • How to choose what to stop at
  • DIY ventilation system and its installation
  • Purchase price
  • Analytics
  • Blitz Tips

Partly under certain conditions, you can save air supply ventilation system. It consists of a supply valve built into the wall, which brings fresh air into the room.

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Outwardly, it represents a pipe equipped with a number of filtering elements and soundproof materials that are laid through the wall and the outside are covered with a ventilation grill, and into the room comes out like a mushroom-shaped nozzle with a spray grill.

Supply valve

Function and Application

The main function is the intake of air from the street to remove the negative phenomena that arose due to disorganization of natural ventilation in the apartment, as well as the deterioration of its effect when installing plastic windows. The latter also require significant air exchange with the street.

Otherwise, there will be a constant problem with condensate on their surface and the formation of fungus at the joints, where the flowing water from the double-glazed window will constantly flow. The supply valve together with the main ventilation will create the necessary air circulation into the room and remove all the above negative phenomena.

If we talk about other negative phenomena with windows, then they require constant ventilation. In winter, an open window can quickly cool the room, which again will affect the health of residents. The supply system does not have such a large opening, the air entering the room manages to warm up.

And also bad smells and carbon dioxide are removed, but only through the exhaust system of house ventilation. This is true for kitchens without an exhaust system installed above the stove. Also in the pantry, where there is no airing at all.


The valve consists of many elements. The main one is the pipe. It is like a base in which all other units are mounted, and also it acts as the main air intake channel. On the outside of the wall are two air distributors equipped with a grill and protection against ingress of precipitation into the pipe.

On the inside, already in the room space, noise and heat insulation materials, an air filter, air flow regulator in the form of a mushroom or block sticking out of the wall, which is the only aesthetic disadvantage. The wall supply valve has much better noise and heat protection than similar systems installed on windows.

The power of the valve depends on the diameter of the pipe, which is placed in its base. They are able to pass from 13 to 40 cubic meters of air per hour. The control system allows you to completely deactivate it or enable one of several modes of air supply. Modes are switched by switching the toggle switch, wheels, and also the rope regulator in case the valve is located under the ceiling.

Supply valve
Design and dimensions of the supply air valve KIV Kvadro

Species and type diversity

Species diversity is very narrow. So, different variations include the size of the main cylinder, the type and level of isolation from noise and cold, from the filter class according to the main type of pollutant. Also, the technical parameters of the passage of air into the room and the availability of regulation of the flow of air passing through.

A variety of ventilators with forced air intake from the street can be connected to this variety. They install filters with a greater ability to pass the external atmosphere into the room. The indoor unit takes up more space in the room, much like a small battery or an air conditioning unit. The installed fan is able to increase air intake up to 100-120 cubic meters.

How to choose what to stop at

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the length and diameter of the pipe, so that its first indicator is enough for installation in the thickness of your walls, and the second dimension was enough to access the right amount air.

A significant role is played by the presence of air flow regulation, the presence of several stages of its switching to create a comfortable movement of atmospheric masses into the room. It is especially worth noting the valve outlet, which must be protected from moisture and the mosquito net with insects.

Type and class of noise insulation to remove street noise, especially for buildings located along the red line and near the carriageway of major streets, highways and any other roads. The presence of thermal insulation is also important, without it the freezing of the main cylinder, the wall will occur, supercooled air, excess moisture and other troubles will penetrate into the room.

The filter has an equally important role, its ability to clean incoming air masses from various pollutants increases the quality of the indoor microclimate.

Supply valve
Wall supply air valve KIV 125

DIY ventilation system and its installation

Supply valve installation

With your own hands to make such a system is quite difficult, but possible. Here it’s worth having some engineering skills to organize all the work.

The basis is a simple pipe made of metal or plastic, a simpler option is a duct for drawing, from air conditioning ducts and the like. It is made of metal and painted, completely ready for use. We select the length by the thickness of the wall.

From the street we install a ventilation grill with an installed mesh, we insulate the inner walls of a makeshift valve, at the entrance in the room you can make the damper itself with adjustment, if you want to install a fan for forced air movement.

Cons in this system will be obvious. Poor isolation from extraneous sounds, the absence of a filter reduces the quality of the incoming air and other negative phenomena that have been repeatedly agreed upon.

Its purchase will enable you to install it yourself. To do this, a perforator is required to install the required hole in the wall. Screwdriver fixing individual elements to the wall. Foam and sealant to seal the resulting cracks. For wooden walls, a tool and other material oriented to work with it are used.

The general course of work looks like this. Marked a place for a hole under the valve, during its completion you need to take a slight slope from the street this will help protect it from the formation of condensate inside the cylinder. Next, install the pipe, on the outside the grille with all the additions. The next step is fixing the valve itself to the pipe and the wall of the room, and then the filter with the regulator. The last move is to close the formed cracks with a drop, foam or sealant.

But do not refuse the services of installers of such forced ventilation systems. Specialists will come to you who will quickly establish your purchase with maximum aesthetics and accuracy. And they don’t take so much for their work. It is estimated at about one thousand and a half.

Purchase price

Prices for different subspecies differ significantly. The simplest supply system can cost you an average of about two thousand rubles. The next product line with a more powerful influx and the simplest adjustment will cost about three and a half thousand.

The most expensive valve with maximum inflow, equipped with an automatic manual control system will be estimated at five or more thousand rubles.

Ventilators equipped with a forced ventilation unit should be allocated to a separate price category. Their cost reaches fifteen twenty thousand. Significantly growing assessment of the installation of such a system.


Reviews from such ventilation are quite enthusiastic. People have lost the main problem of plastic windows - condensation. A sufficient amount of freshness from the street gets into the room. The filter cleans unpleasant odors well. But you should pay attention to the blitz tips.

Supply valve

Blitz Tips

  • Before putting the ventilator, check the house ventilation and exhaust hood. If they are faulty, the supply system becomes completely useless.
  • Put the valve in the right place near the window and the battery.
  • Adjustment is necessary to set a comfortable airflow.
  • Entrust the installation to specialists. They have a whole set of professional equipment.
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