How to connect the water heater to the water supply (video)?

After acquiring a water heater, an urgent question arises - how to install it? Most likely, you have already chosen a place where it will be located and now you just have to correctly install it. To learn how to do this, check out the information below.

What tools will be required to connect a water heater:

  • water heater (boiler);
  • 2 water hoses of increased flexibility (must be resistant to hot water);
  • 2 nail dowels with a hook;
  • sanitary flax or sealing tape;
  • crane (the diameter is selected under the pipe);
  • valve (must go with the boiler as a set);
  • standard repair tool kit.


  1. Construction and connection of the mounted and floor boiler
  2. Video on the topic of connecting the boiler to the water supply
  3. Installation tips

Construction and connection of the mounted and floor boiler

The average boiler, on the basis of which the instructions for connecting a water heater are written, consists of the following elements:

  • TEN;
  • water tank;
  • water input and output systems;
  • thermostat.

How to connect the mounted boiler?

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  1. Consider the optimal location of the boiler. It should be near the outlet and both pipes - water will enter and exit through them. The smaller the distance to these elements, the less additional materials will be spent on installation. Installation is carried out in an open way.
  2. Attach the boiler with the brackets that should be included. They are specially calculated for the maximum mass of the boiler and are able to withstand severe loads on the base. Review the documentation and general requirements for the brackets that are described in the manual. According to them, buy elements of the necessary strength.
  3. Check the water outlet, it must be at the bottom.
  4. Now install the safety valve. It is a necessary element that will protect your tank and keep it intact at high pressure or when the temperature is exceeded. Be sure to take these precautions! Without a valve, your tank can burst. The valve opening must be opened. Often, those who connect a storage water heater with their own hands forget to timely ensure the withdrawal of excess water, and endanger the room and its residents.

Often, the valve that comes with domestic equipment cannot handle the above problems and it is better to purchase a valve separately, based on features and capabilities water heater.

Accumulator type water heater safety group

  1. It consists of a system of small parts: coupling, tee, valve, check valve, fitting and fuse. Connect them as shown in the picture above.
  2. Connect the compression hoses to the sewer pipes to drain the water. Only use special hoses for transporting hot water or ordinary garden hoses. But the latter are highly not recommended according to safe operation.
  3. Now you need to seal the joints with sealant. It is sold in every hardware store. Apply it to the compounds, leave for 6-8 hours to dry. When applying sealant, water should be shut off for the entire drying period, and the pipe should be completely dry. Even a few drops of water can damage the seal.
  4. After 6-8 hours, connect the boiler to the water supply system using prepared hoses.
  5. Pipes for transporting water, it is advisable to buy polypropylene. They have a very high shelf life, unlike metal, they are cheaper and more convenient to install. Connect them by welding polypropylene and allow a little time for the seams to dry.
  6. A warm fluid is also discharged through a ball valve. This method is universal and makes it possible to connect boilers that accumulate water or flowing.
  7. The system should look so that, in the case of locked faucets, fluid does not leak. However, if there is a need to lock the riser valve, then water should still be available.
  8. The type of heater connection greatly affects the connection to the network. When using a water heater that is powered by the mains, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the PUE, including: mandatory use of moisture-proof sockets, grounding, a separate RCD, if the boiler operates in two phases, etc.
  9. Check all elements and start test water heating.

To study the wiring diagram of pipes and electricity in more detail, we suggest looking at the installation diagram of a vertical water heater, presented below.


Installation of a floor boiler

Installation of the boiler to a floor or horizontal pipeline will take a little time, however, the work carried out during its installation will be much more voluminous. Such a boiler weighs about 100 kilograms, and its power often exceeds 50 kilowatts.

  1. It is not easy to exhibit and transport it independently. We advise you to get the support of another person.
  2. The system for connecting the device to the pipes is similar to a mounted water heater and it makes no sense to describe it again. The only difference is that the hot water outlet is on top, not bottom.
  3. Under the grounding of such powerful boilers, a separate output is required in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
  4. For grounding, you need to separate the cable from the metal part of the boiler and connect it to the ground.

To study the wiring diagram of pipes and electricity in more detail, we suggest looking at the installation diagram of a horizontal water heater below.


Video on the topic of connecting the boiler to the water supply

We offer some useful videos that will help to solve some problems when installing the heater.

Video on installing a mounted vertical water heater:

The man talks in great detail about connecting a mounted boiler. Thanks to the video instruction, you only need 15 minutes to connect the boiler with your own hands in the apartment.

Video on installing a horizontal floor heater:

A very detailed video on installing a large-capacity boiler, however, comments in the video are strictly according to the instructions, no deviations and recommendations are given for the average person. But as an example of installing a floor boiler, the best option can not be found in RuNet.

Video analysis of the installation diagram:

A very useful analysis of the connection diagram of a water heater to a water supply system, an electric network. The basis is the diagram that is located above to eliminate confusion and better understand the installation principle.

Installation tips

In conclusion, I would like to give some tips on the proper installation of the boiler and its maintenance. These tips will help you keep your water heater from premature failure.

  1. The best option for installing a boiler is in the kitchen. Take note of the fact that the fluid must flow directly to the taps in the kitchen and bathroom. The installation site should be carefully considered. Try to adhere to angular placement, keeping the minimum distance to water pipes and the socket.
  2. When installing floor standing units, it is important to use a non-return valve. The valve will help filter freshly arrived cold water from hot water. In this case, hot water will be supplied to the taps without mixing with cold.
  3. If you are installing in a village and drawing water from a well or your own well, then it is necessary to connect a circulation pump to the system, which will supply water to the boiler when necessary.
  4. Never start the boiler if there is no water in it. Running idle can cause it to malfunction. Turn on the heat only when the appliance is completely full of water.
  5. You can only connect a water heater to a grounded power outlet. Do not use one branch to connect a washing machine, drill and other devices with an active load together with a water heater. Otherwise, a short circuit may occur.
  6. If the heating system has such an opportunity, then you can install a floor boiler to any appliance at the factory or in a private house. For example, make a conclusion for heating a pool or bath. It is also possible to make full-fledged water heating in the house, chasing water through pipes.
  7. If the coupling is not tightened sufficiently or it is installed incorrectly, a breakdown of the device is inevitable and you will need repairs soon. In this case, under warranty, you will not be repaired and restoration will occur entirely at your expense.


Installing a water heater in the water supply system in a house or apartment is a task that requires some caution and care.

Do not ignore the installation tips that will be given to you at the hardware store. Listen to every comment, because each brand has its own assembly strategy and design features, although in general the devices are similar to each other. When buying, pay attention to the equipment, so as not to go to the store for the second time for details.

Do not forget that any the boiler needs to be cleaned!

I would like to note, unlike gas water heaters, water heaters do not require any accompanying documents that confirm compliance with GOST standards and do not require mandatory certification.

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