Is it worth it to insulate the floor with foam

If the floor in the house is not properly insulated, then up to 20% of the heat, and sometimes more, can go through it. Therefore, you need to choose the material for insulation carefully. Many people ask, “Is it worth it to buy polystyrene for this purpose?”


Almost everyone is familiar with this material, it can be of two types: either ordinary polystyrene foam, consisting of small white granules, or extruded polystyrene foam, in the manufacture of which the raw material is first melted and then shaped. Thus, a more durable and flexible material is obtained, while weight is increased.


Among the main advantages of the foam plastic, insignificant thermal conductivity stands out, thanks to which the insulation can be laid in a thin layer, which is especially important in rooms with a high ceiling. He has a small weight and due to this he does not create a load on the surface, you can work with him without the help of partners. It is waterproof and retains its shape and properties even in a humid room, the same applies to a wide temperature range from -50 to +95 degrees.

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It is easily cut with an ordinary knife, so you can create layers of any size without special tools. In addition, it is inexpensive, and there is no fear that rodents or insects will spoil it. However, for many it is critical that it has a very low fire safety. Not only does it burn easily, but also toxic substances are released, so experts recommend that you still use it for external insulation. It has a very low vapor permeability, which is why moisture often settles on it, because of which a fungus is capable of appearing. Conventional polystyrene from granules is quite fragile; it can crumble, break under load, or crumble.


From the point of view of chemical safety, materials for future insulation should be evaluated depending on the content of styrene in it. The concentration of this substance should not exceed 0.05%, at the same time in ordinary construction stores you can find specimens with a share of 0.2%.

After warming with polystyrene foam, some note that the effect of the work is small. This is due to the fact that heat seeps through the joints between the sheets. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure a reliable docking by chamfering the edges of each sheet. In stores you can also find specimens with ready-made bevels. In order to maximize the effect of foam sheets, they must be applied from the basement side, if any. That is, it is necessary to fix the insulation on the ceiling of the basement with glue, for example, PVA, but it is better to buy specialized polystyrene foam. The main thing is that there is no acetone in the glue, because it corrodes the foam. You can also attach with dowels, umbrellas with a wide hat. You can combine these two methods - first glue the sheets to the ceiling, then strengthen them with several dowels.


Effectively foam insulation lags. It is necessary to clean the base, spread a waterproofing film on it, lay the logs, and in the intervals between them lay foam sheets. The joints can be sealed with foam, put a heat-insulating layer on top of all this driver and mount the final floor already in the lags.


More painstaking work should be done if the floors are insulated under a concrete screed. In this case, you need to carefully prepare the base, covering up all the bumps, holes, cracks. Next, the first step is the waterproofing layer, it overlaps with an overlap of about 10 cm and with the approach to the walls at about the same distance. The joints must be insulated with a strong adhesive tape, then there are foam plates that are fixed with a mounting foam or special glue. Next, a polyethylene film is spread, which serves as a vapor barrier, a metal grate goes on top and then the concrete screed itself is poured.


 Wooden floors can be insulated with foam only if they are laid directly on the ground. Then you need to compact it well, pour a pillow of sand and gravel, cover the waterproofing, put polystyrene. It is important to remember that sheets with a density of 35 kg / m3, or even better, are required. Next comes the vapor barrier, and only then the final floor is laid.

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