Decorative stone is considered one of the most spectacular ways of both external and internal decoration. However, in many cases, after some time, the stone begins to completely fall off or crumble in pieces. There are objective reasons for all this.

On the one hand, if the surface of a decorative stone crumbles, it means that the technology of its manufacture is violated, and the material itself is of poor quality. This usually happens when owners prefer to buy the cheapest items. In fact, this turns into a rather unpleasant appearance of the finish. If the stone begins to crumble at the base, at the place of attachment to the wall, then there are factors that adversely affected the junction or substrate.

The most common reason is water. It penetrates the gaps between the stones, fills porous materials, for example, glue, on which the stone is glued foundation (if it is made of concrete or brick), and thus, the process of destruction, which occurs gradually. When the temperature drops significantly, which is typical for the external finish, the absorbed moisture turns into ice, and accordingly, the glue and the substrate of the stone are torn.

An equally important role in violating the integrity of the finish is played by the weight of each particular stone. For example, a tile of 1 square meter with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm has a weight of 40 kg. This is the maximum load allowed on the facade with insulation. If such a stone is laid on a brick and similar foundation, it is necessary that the first row of masonry rests on a solid horizontal base and it is imperative to put metal ligaments in the masonry.

Another reason for painting stone is to use the wrong glue. The fact is that the base, glue and stone are made of completely different materials, and in order for them to interlock normally and hold together, it is necessary to choose the correct adhesive composition. When using a special tile adhesive, it must be borne in mind that under the influence of high temperature materials expand in different ways. For example, when the stone itself is heated by sunlight, its expansion is greater than that of glue with less than the density of the stone, and where there is no adhesion of the stone to the base, it begins to crumble and breaks off. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the temperature joints and fill them with a sealant that is resistant to mechanical stress.

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