Sorbents for the purification of water and soil in the "RosPolimerStroy"

contamination of water and soil - is one of the greatest challenges facing not only agricultural enterprises, but many other areas, including construction, manufacturing, etc. But there is a very effective tool that allows you to carry out soil treatment, as well as reservoirs, wells and other water sources - it sorbents.

Buy sorbents high quality can be in "RosPolimerStroy". It offers cost-effective solutions for the construction, but also has more than 4,000 branches, its own logistics department and delivers products, regardless of size, to any place in Russia and the CIS.

What is sorbents?

Sorbents - a group of substances that bind other solid, liquid or gaseous substance. For example, activated charcoal, used in the composition of industrial filters, capable of absorbing hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxides, and other harmful gases. The ability of sorbents to absorb other substances makes them popular in many industries - from water treatment to the metallurgical industry and medicine.

Today, the most widespread use of such components found in water treatment and gases from undesirable impurities. They are used for collecting oil spills, waste water treatment in factories, warehouses dehumidification etc.

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What are sorbents?

By the principle of action are three types of sorbents:

  • Adsorbents. They are characterized by a large surface area that attracts other materials. The most popular adsorbent is activated carbon. Only one gram of the substance has a total surface area of ​​about 500-2000 m2.

  • Absorbents. Such elements absorb other substances, forming solutions with them. This process can also be accompanied by various chemical reactions that result in the transformation of absorbed substance. By absorbents include: sand, clay, water, oil, mica, etc.

  • Ion exchangers. Substances of synthetic origin, which do not absorb other substances, but simply share with them the ions. The most common ion exchangers are considered natural minerals, zeolites. They also combine an adsorbent having a large surface area.

Also worth noting is that the sorbents can be divided according to the form of the substance itself. They come in solid (activated carbon, salt, fuller's earth) and liquid (oil, water, glycol).

Solid sorbents are in turn divided into granular and fibrous. The first represented the various powders and pellets, and the latter have a structure similar to wool, and have greater surface area.

Where used sorbents?

The most widely used sorbents found in everyday life and industry. They are used for the following purposes:

  • Oil spill.

  • Water treatment.

  • Dehumidification in storerooms, warehouses.

  • Desalination of sea water.

  • Purification lot of harmful substances.

  • Localization of oil spills in the waters.

The specific scope is determined depending on the type and form of substance release.

Sorbents in "RosPolimerStroy"

In "RosPolimerStroy" catalog contains a wide range of tools to address a variety of water and soil pollution. The company tries to keep pace with the times, therefore, offers the best materials on the market that combines not only high quality but affordable price.

For more than 10 years' RosPolimerStroy "I managed to declare itself as a reliable supplier of building materials. On account of the company's cooperation with such industry giants as Gazprom, Rosneft, Transneft, Lukoil, Bashneft, Tatneft.

The advantages of working with the company "RosPolimerStroy" include:

  • More than 4000 branches throughout Russia.

  • A well-developed logistics department allows the company to carry out the operational delivery of materials throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS.

  • The company is constantly updating catalog of products, focusing on the current needs of the market and consumers.

  • The company's specialists are ready to advise you on any matters relating to the specification provided by the product, its features, use, price, etc.

  • Possible to ship products to customers with deferred payment up to 30 days, so you can be sure that your subject will not remain without the necessary materials.

More information can be found at number 8 (495) 505-63-54 or by writing to the company [email protected] email.

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