Liquid film: how to protect items in the apartment from damage during the repair process


  • 1 Features of use
  • 2 Material benefits
  • 3 Conclusion

One of the modern and effective building materials can be called a liquid film. It is used to protect surfaces and objects from damage during repair work. The material is easy to use, absolutely safe and has several advantages. We will tell you more about it.

Features of use

The film is used during construction work to protect various surfaces from dirt, dust, scratches and chips. The material is reliable, efficient and high quality, as well as easy to operate.

Externally, the film resembles a light shade liquid made on the basis of a polymer. Sale is carried out in plastic containers, like paint or glue. More than 95% of the composition consists of water and only 5% of the impurity, so the raw material is safe and non-toxic.


The film is applied to the surface with a spray gun, a terry roller or a paint brush. It is advisable to apply only to dense non-porous surfaces. Application and removal should only be carried out at positive temperature.

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Material benefits

Liquid film is a fairly popular material used during construction work. It is preferred by both owners of large companies and individuals. And all because raw materials have a number of positive qualities.

The following parameters can be attributed to the positive properties of a liquid film.

  1. Simplicity and ease of use.
  2. The film does not leave marks or stains.
  3. Suitable for long term use.
  4. Easy to apply and clean.
  5. The product perfectly protects surfaces from scratches, chips and dirt.
  6. Does not burn out from sparks.
  7. Does not need additional care.
  8. The service life is about a year.
  9. Easy to use.
  10. Even a beginner will understand the application and cleaning.

The disadvantages include only the expensive cost and use in some cases, for example, on porous surfaces it is not necessary to apply the mixture, since it will be very difficult to remove it task.


Liquid film is an excellent material that protects surfaces from damage and dirt during repairs. You can apply it on any kind of surface, preferably without pores and bumps. Material can retain its useful characteristics throughout the year. You can buy liquid film in specialized stores.

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