The range of flooring is quite diverse. Of the widely known species, they are mainly used: laminate, linoleum, parquet, tile. The choice is based on price and quality. If we are talking about a practical coating, then it is worth considering as an option vinyl flooring, which in modern design has a number of advantages.

What are the advantages of such a coating?
Vinyl flooring is available in a wide range. As a rule, the manufacturer offers from 150 different colors and textures. This facilitates the task for the consumer and allows you to find the right option for any style.

It is not difficult to care for such a coating; it is subject to wet cleaning and is resistant to abrasion.

The production technology provides for coloring throughout the thickness of the material and applying a protective layer on top. This makes the vinyl coating quite durable. Possible scratches are almost invisible on the surface. The coating has a fairly long life.

Additional advantages include the fact that the vinyl is coated with a special anti-slip layer, and the surface itself feels always warm. To be sure of the safety of the coating, you need to be interested in buying a quality certificate. Many people prefer to install vinyl flooring on underfloor heating.

With all the advantages, the price of this material, in comparison with the laminate, is much lower.

Is it possible to lay vinyl coating on my own, without the help of specialists?
To carry out the laying of such a coating for everyone. Installation is fast enough. Since the coating consists of individual elements, it will not be difficult, if necessary, to replace the damaged area.

When carrying out installation work, one of the main conditions is a clean and dry surface. All chips and irregularities must be thoroughly puttied before starting work, or even better thoroughly leveled, for example with a screed.

However, manufacturers offer such types of coatings that generally do not require preparatory work. They are attached to adhesive locks, the joints look neat, and small surface drops are not visible. Vinyl tiles can be laid on top of the old coating, you only need to thoroughly clean the work surface.

Vinyl flooring with proper installation will last for many years. It is not inferior in its characteristics to other known species, and in some of its qualities even surpasses them.
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