Wall panels from corrugated board are one of the most popular types of decoration for any private house or multi-storey building. It gained its prevalence due to its energy efficiency, durability and installation availability even to beginners in the construction field. But its service life directly depends on the quality of the installation. What errors are made during installation will be considered in detail.

Common panel mounting errors
The installation process is quite simple. But when it is conducted, often even by experienced craftsmen make mistakes. The most common among them:
- Poorly installed frame - often errors in the calculation and installation of the main frame the systems are so rude, but they cannot be fixed even with the help of all the layers going as insulation. Therefore, even at the design stage, you need to double-check all your calculations again;
- Incorrectly fixed self-tapping screws - when installing wall panels, you need to verify the strength of the self-tapping screws. Too weakly tightened fasteners threaten that the panel under the influence of wind and the tested load is deformed or simply falls off the wall. Moreover, moisture will leak into the small cracks between the screws and the panel, which will destroy the entire system from the inside. Tightened fasteners also lead to deformations of the corrugated board and a violation of the bearing capacity of the panel, which significantly reduces the life of the entire finishing system;
- Poor installation of shaped elements leads to depressurization and damage to the entire facade decoration system;
- Removing the protective film from the panels is done even before they are mounted on the wall. Often, builders do not do this until the completion of the facility. As a result, scraps of the film remain clothes hanging around the screws, collecting dust and dirt.

If the installation of such a finishing system is not planned independently, but by the hands of a team of builders, it is necessary to choose them in accordance with their experience in the installation of not just corrugated board, but a sandwich panels. It is also necessary to clarify whether they work with additional elements. And the presence of a professional tool is also necessary, since poor-quality processing of the edge of the corrugated board entails a short life of the entire system of separating the facades.

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