Should I use cullets in the bathroom

When designing a bathroom, not all apartment owners are ready to use the usual wall decoration options in the form of ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, mosaics or tiles. Some owners, in order to preserve the unified style of the house, want to paste wall-paper into the bathroom.


At first glance, it may seem that they have a certain similarity with ceramic tiles and similar materials, since their glaze is the thinnest layer of glass. But it must be understood that in cullets, glass is presented in the form of thin fibers, connecting in a thread. In addition, cullet is a material that is used for painting. Therefore, moisture falling on them, first of all, is in contact with the top coating, which in turn can be very damaged. Plus, you need to understand that when mounting the tiles in the wall, adhesive compositions are used, which subsequently cannot be destroyed by water, unlike the glue, which is used for glass.


Of course, cullet can withstand a certain level of moisture. However, for this, ventilation should work well in the bathroom. If there is no way to professionally measure the moisture level in a room, you can resort to a simple method. It is enough to observe what happens to the mirror after a half-hour hot shower. Normally, it should just fog up. This suggests that the heating elements and ventilation work perfectly. If streams are found on the mirror, then there is a problem with the hood and ventilation. That is why, before decorating the walls in the bathroom, it is first of all necessary to check the communication data. The best option is to install an additional electric fan, which will ensure proper air circulation. As a result, it will be possible not to fear for the safety of cullet and not be afraid of the appearance of mold.

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Given all this, cullet can be used in the bathroom, but only in places where water will not directly contact them. This option is only possible when ventilation and exhaust work at the proper level. When choosing a cullet, you need to look only at those instances that indicate that the paint on them is suitable for use in a room with high humidity. Some negligent manufacturers indicate that the type of wallpaper is universal. Do not rely on these promises, which can then be expensive.

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