- 1 There was linoleum: what to do?
- 2 What to do with the wallpaper?
- 3 The remains of tile, drywall and metal.
Throwing away the remnants of building material or marriage is not an entirely rational decision. As practice shows, if you include the imagination, from them it is quite possible to craft something useful.
There was linoleum: what to do?
First, think of utility rooms. If you cover the rest with a pantry or a balcony, cleaning will be much easier. Are there any miscellaneous pieces? Great, they make a great mosaic for the floor.

Few people know, but from the small residues of linoleum you can prepare a very good glue. To do this, fill a liter jar with small pieces of material and completely fill with acetone. After about a day, you will get first-class glue, which is easy to fasten felt, wood and even metal. Chalk powder (1: 2) can be added to this composition - excellent putty for leveling the surfaces is ready!

What to do with the wallpaper?
It immediately occurred to me to paste over something else, such as a refrigerator or ceiling. Wallpaper on the furniture facades looks original, with their help you can make bright accents in harmony with the interior.

If you don’t have enough money for expensive liquid wallpapers, you can easily make them yourself from the remnants of ordinary wallpapers. Tear the paper and soak in water (2.5 m - 1.25 L) for a couple of hours. The resulting mass must be mixed with a special mixer or drill with the desired nozzle.

The composition needs constant mixing, so do not hesitate to apply. Such liquid wallpaper visually does not differ from the store and perfectly align cracks, bumps.

The remains of tile, drywall and metal.
Do not try to get rid of chipped ceramic tiles; from the mosaic of fragments, you can create a beautiful frame for a window, mirror and even furniture. Such decoration is especially useful to owners of country houses - you can decorate the facade and give it additional strength.

Gardener lovers can make insulated boxes for seedlings from scraps of drywall. Such building material can be cut and beautifully designed beds on the site. If the drywall is not moisture resistant - just cover the box with polyethylene from the inside.

Metal and metal trimmings can be used in the creation of original lampshades, country garbage bins and even decorative sculptures.

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