Stylish solution - cork wall decoration

Before you go to the store for cork material, you should accurately determine for yourself its appearance for the competent decor of the selected room. A large role is played by many factors: the service life of the material and the conditions of its operation, the particular style of room decoration, the complexity of installation and the total cost of the work done.


Finishing with cork rolls - granules are used for their manufacture, which are subsequently crushed and pressed. No synthetic material is used in the process. It is not subjected to any pre-processing prior to release and is not decorated.


To improve the performance of the roll cork, it can be varnished or waxed after being laid on the surface.


Due to the thickness of the application (1.2 - 2 mm), it is easy to combine cork with simple wallpaper. The main advantage is that there are no horizontal seams, which results in a uniform pattern.


Cork slabs (in other words - modules) consist of 2 layers, which are connected by a natural adhesive composition based on resins. For the first layer, crushed and pressed cork (thickness 2 mm) is used; it serves as a base. The second layer is made of natural veneer, 1-1.2 mm thick. Typical slabs (modules) used for wall decoration are sold with dimensions of 300x300 mm and 600x300 mm (each 3 mm thick).

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Cork Wallpaper - relate to inexpensive and readily available materials used as decor. For the base, a dense paper web is used, which is first treated with colorless varnish, and then covered with a very thin layer of agglomerated veneer up to 1 mm thick. They are produced in rolls of 5500x760 mm.


To apply this material to the walls is no more difficult than ordinary wallpaper. When gluing, you should carefully monitor so that the surface does not bend, as this can lead to cracks and a violation of the structure of the picture.


Fluid plug - eIt is customary to apply it as a decoration of external walls. It consists of 96% of the cork composition, and the rest is acrylic binders. The liquid plug has exceptional moisture-proof properties, despite the spongy structure (filled with oxygen, nitrogen and resins). This material is sprayed onto the wall when applied, which allows you to hide all the bumps and cracks on the surface. The thickness can be adjusted to 3 mm. Among other things, the coating provides additional heat and noise insulation.

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