The reputation of the manufacturer plays an important role as a tile. Today, the construction market offers ceramic tiles from different countries and it is difficult for an ordinary buyer to sort out the assortment. We offer to get acquainted with the best manufacturers so as not to regret the money invested in the repair:
- Spain (Pamesa, Ceramica, Aparisi). Products from these brands are rightly called elite. The entire range is produced using advanced technologies (from white and red clay) and under the strict guidance of famous designers. It is worth noting the only minus - such a tile is very expensive;
- Russia (Sokol Plant, Keramo-Marazzi, Kerabud, Shakhty Tile). Domestic products are often in no way inferior to imported ones. The price tag for it is much lower, but, unfortunately, the color scheme is limited. Also in demand is a tile produced in joint ventures;
- Italian tile (Salony Valverde). Most often produced from white clay. The advantage of the product is that the tile very successfully imitates natural surfaces (decorative stone, aged ceramics, marble);
- Poland (Ceransit Cerrol, PolcoloritTMTubadzin) the quality is in no way inferior to Italian or Spanish tile, while the price tag is small, and the range of colors and ornaments pleasantly pleases;
- Turkish tile (Kalebodur). High-quality tile with rich color and fancy patterns. Made only from environmentally friendly materials.

It is also worth paying close attention to the products of China - here you can find a huge selection of interesting color schemes, floral patterns and oriental ornaments.

Czech tile in terms of characteristics and design is not inferior to Italian. The only difference is it is made from shale, but using European technology.

Every day, Belarusian tile manufacturers are firmly entrenched in leadership positions. The collections are updated regularly, improved and the manufacturing technique is mainly represented by European developments. The cost of a tile from Belarus is designed for people with any income level, so this tile can be used both for budget decoration and for creating custom design solutions.

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