There are many types and variations of linoleum on the market. Most likely, all buyers planning industrial or commercial varieties planning to purchase such a finish for the floor. Most often, this version of the material is used in commercial premises, but it is also bought for apartments and private houses. This is explained by the fact that industrial varieties have many advantages. This is a more durable linoleum, which will definitely not fail during operation.

The structure of industrial linoleum is very high quality. The outer layer is made of polyurethane. Strong and super dense protection well protects the inner layers from a variety of influences. It is very difficult to damage polyurethane on such linoleum. In addition to the main protective layer, an auxiliary layer is also present. It determines the color and texture of the coating.

To preserve heat, manufacturers include polyvinyl in the composition of the material.

Some types of technical indicators distinguish industrial types from ordinary household linoleum. First of all, we are talking about the durability, thickness and length of the blade, the width of the rolls supplied for sale. Initially, industrial linoleum is developed for large areas, in which the operating conditions are very harsh. Such material has high heat and sound insulation, is able to withstand chemicals and acids, and is resistant to abrasion and moisture. But at the same time, linoleum of any type remains a combustible material, which must be taken into account. In addition, strong point pressure can leave marks on the coating, even when it comes to industrial linoleum.

Classification of linoleum is based on the purpose of the premises. The class is assigned according to indicators of resistance to different types of influences. If we are talking about rooms where there is little furniture and traffic is relatively small, you can use the thirty-second class of material. Such linoleum in industrial and office conditions is laid in utility rooms and the like.

Significantly higher strength and wear resistance of linoleum of the thirty-third class. It is able to withstand a large cross, while maintaining its appearance. It is almost impossible to harm linoleum of the thirty-fourth class. For home conditions, you can use all types of industrial linoleum, which fit into the budget laid down for repairs.

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