In construction, both sand concrete and cement-sand mixture are usually used. Each of these materials has its supporters and opponents. In any case, choosing between these two options, it is necessary to take into account their specific properties, since each of them copes with specific goals with excellent results.

This is primarily due to differences in composition. At first glance, it may seem that they are insignificant. However, clinker is added to the cement mixes, which is extracted from rocks under the influence of high temperatures. Also, gypsum and special technological additives are added to it. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water. Accordingly, to improve the properties in the preparation of concrete, plasticizers and water-repellent additives are added. Also among the components of sand concrete there is crushed stone, and in the cement-sand mixture there is sand. Due to these differences, a difference arises in the use of these materials.
So, for example, cement is used in plastering, masonry, they fill the seams, fill the screed under the floor. It is best to use cement to connect various slabs, floors, bricks and blocks. Thus, the connection is quite strong.

Concrete, on the other hand, shows itself best when building foundations, manufacturing various elements of load-bearing structures, and manufacturing reinforced concrete blocks. To work with sand concrete as efficient as possible, you must definitely use protective gloves, make sure that the room is dry enough and the air temperature is in the range + 5- + 30 degrees. And of course, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding dilution of the mixture.

Now, almost at the construction of any object, sand concrete is used in order to arrange the foundation base, fasten reinforced concrete structures, make a screed for the floor, repair joints during concreting stairs. In addition, it is ideal for mechanical casting. If you buy sand concrete, then there is no need to look for sand and cement. But in this case, it must be taken into account that pouring the foundation from sand concrete leads to a greater waste of material than in the case of cement-sand mixture. However, this option will help to save efforts on sifting sand to create a certain consistency, and you can be sure that the foundation will be strong enough and reliable.

Many people choose sand concrete due to the fact that it absolutely does not shrink; Therefore, it is from it that floors are poured in various warehouses, garages and shopping centers, even with a large thickness of the fill, cracks do not form in it.
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