The choice of paint for repair is no less important part. Therefore, it is worth taking this stage seriously. But for this you need to understand the topic specifically. Why acrylic paint is better than other coatings, what are its advantages. Let's get it together.

Thanks to the acrylic resin, which is the basis of the paint, a fairly durable paint material is obtained. It is applied both for external works, and for internal works, including in such rooms where high humidity. In addition, she has several more uses:
- Resistance to ultraviolet and pollution;
- Steam and moisture resistance;
- The ability to withstand sudden fluctuations in temperature;
- It tolerates some mechanical effects.

It is sold ready-made in white, so it is possible to give it any color and shade on its own or in the tinting center. If you breed yourself, then to avoid color discrepancies, you should tint the entire bucket at once. The paint may have an antifungal or antiseptic additive.

Methods of working with acrylic plaster
Due to its composition, acrylic plaster is plastic, it is convenient to apply to the surface. Suitable for complex design solutions. To keep the layer forever, it is necessary to treat the surface with a deeply penetrating primer. Application methods can be different, it all depends on the desired visual effect. Therefore, a spatula, various molds, brushes, rollers and many other devices are used to create a unique decorative plaster.

This material is well applied to any surface, whether it’s polystyrene, wood, drywall, concrete, stone or OSB. Application methods can be different, manual or using a special installation.
It must be remembered that acrylic plaster dries quickly and after 30 minutes there will be a different shade. Therefore, you need to work with her quickly without interruptions.

Effective acrylic stucco finish will allow you to express your wildest fantasies and turn them into reality. The long term of operation will allow you to enjoy beautiful walls for a long time. This coating is washed with liquid chemicals, without losing its original appearance.

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