- 1 Bad hood
- 2 The temperature difference in adjacent rooms
- 3 Lack of insulation of the front door
- 4 Cold bathroom floor
- 5 Insufficient window sealing
- 6 Incorrect gaps
- 7 Damp in the house
With the constant use of doors it is extremely difficult not to notice the moment when there are problems with their functioning. This phenomenon is especially common in the bathroom: the canvas swells, does not close well and loses its original appearance.
There are many reasons why this happens, and they are all quite serious. Therefore, let us consider each of them separately, and then you will understand why it was precisely your door to the bathroom that was swollen.
Bad hood
The most common reason why the bathroom door swells and becomes unusable is the increased humidity in the room. And already it is the result of poor hoods in the bathroom. Since a sufficient amount of air does not enter the room, all the moisture settles on the door leaf and thereby contributes to its swelling.

The temperature difference in adjacent rooms
The durability of the bathroom door is also affected by the temperature difference in the rooms between which it is installed. For example, a warm bathroom and a cool corridor are excellent conditions for condensation to appear on the door, which over time will lead to swelling.

Lack of insulation of the front door
Oddly enough, but the front door directly affects the safety of the canvas in the bathroom. Its insufficient insulation will allow cold air to enter the home, which leads to a temperature difference in the adjacent rooms described above. What will happen next, you already know - the appearance of condensation and, as a consequence, swelling.

Cold bathroom floor
Thermal insulation is important in any living room, and especially in the bathroom. The cold penetrating through the flooring can be explained by the absence of ventilation vents and blind areas. This is the direct cause of condensation in the bathroom, which provokes swelling.

Insufficient window sealing
Many people think that a window in a bathroom is always a plus. Indeed, an additional light source will not be superfluous, but only if it is not the reason for the door to swell. This can happen due to the fact that cold air seeps through the glass. And if the window frames are wooden, then they can suffer. Therefore, the best option for the bathroom is to install plastic windows.

Incorrect gaps
Correctly setting the gaps between the door frame and the canvas itself is extremely important. If this is not done, then the moisture will also be absorbed into the ends of the door, from which it will swell even faster. The best option when installing the door will be gaps of 4 millimeters, they will not allow moisture to collect, and the door leaf will cling to the box.

Damp in the house
Perhaps the most serious reason for the swelling of the door is the dampness of housing. This problem is often found in corner apartments and private homes. Just replacing the door and the box does not work out this problem, because soon the new canvas will suffer and swell in the same way. The only right option is external insulation of the entire perimeter of the house. Of course, it will cost a lot of money, but the result will not be long in coming - a dry room and whole doors in the bathroom.

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