Lighting for the living room

Not only comfort, but also human health depends on proper lighting in the apartment. Overfatigue often occurs due to the fact that the types of lamps are selected incorrectly, their placement is ill-conceived. Under certain conditions, almost any type of lighting can be used in the living room. From this point of view, the room is literally unique. The interior will look appropriate chandeliers and sconces, lights and floor lamps. Each version of the fixtures will fulfill its role.


You can install table lamps on shelves or tables. They create more intense light in the local area. This is convenient if you need to work or read in good light. You can also use sconces for this purpose. They are considered one of the best options in spacious living rooms with several functional areas.


The design of the lighting device determines its location. Ceiling chandeliers, for example, are always mounted on the ceiling and provide lighting for the largest possible space. Optional are desktop flooring and the like. Their purpose is to provide brighter light in places where it is necessary.

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In contemporary styles, a common ceiling light is sometimes missing. In this case, an individual device is responsible for each zone.


When choosing lighting equipment for a living room, attention should be paid primarily to the dimensions of the devices. More than one third of the width of the ceiling, for example, should not occupy a chandelier. Its diameter must be chosen with this in mind. If the living room is elongated, the light source placed in the center may not be enough for high-quality lighting. In such a situation, you can use both auxiliary lamps and two or more ceiling chandeliers.


Lamps can be suspended or ceiling. Some calculations will be required in the first case. The device should not occupy more than one fourth of the room’s height. If you do not follow this rule, the chandelier will look bulky and will interfere with movement around the room.


The style of the lighting fixtures should be consistent with the overall interior design. However, there are still exceptions to this rule. In some cases, designers make fixtures a peculiar accent. Such decisions should not be taken independently, since only a professional can achieve the desired effect when playing in contrasts.

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