How to keep a paint cuvette clean and not wash it after use

Everyone who at least once used a cuvette (bath) for its intended purpose, was faced with the need to wash it. If you let her dry at least a little, then this case may not be so simple. And the remains of dried paint in the future will bring many problems - small particles will certainly remain on the freshly painted surface.

In the case when painting a little bit, instead of the cuvette, you can use thick cardboard, a piece of drywall, fiberboard or plywood. It is also quite possible to apply paint to the roller with a brush. Experienced painters manage to carefully dip the roller directly into a bucket of paint and roll it on the surface without staining anything.


A convenient way to keep the bath clean is to wrap it tightly in two layers of foil. The foil will repeat the shape of the cuvette and will hold well in it if you fix it with tape, or better - double-sided tape. An excellent way to maintain the cleanliness of the bath is a food-grade vacuum film. It adheres well to plastic, does not move, does not interfere with work.

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If there is no foil or cling film, you can use a plastic bag. But this method has a significant drawback - the package moves all the time, sticks to the roller. If you pre-pour water into the bath, the bag will stay better in it, the work will become more comfortable. Double-sided tape will add even more comfort.


With significant volumes of painting, it is more convenient not to reinvent the wheel, but rather to wash the cuvette. So that this process does not create difficulties, it is enough to prepare a hard brush or brush for this. With their help, the bath is washed quickly and easily.

In addition to the cuvette, a roller can cause a problem. It is not so easy to wash it, and if there is no hot water, then in general it’s a disaster. However, the roller wrapped in a plastic bag does not dry for a very long time, just a few days. In the case when there is a lot of paint, and even with different colors, for each color it is better to prepare your own roller and brush. They cost quite a bit of money, but their availability will significantly speed up and simplify the work.


Of course, the brush can also be stored wrapped in a bag. And if we are talking about alkyd or oil paint, then in a jar of water.

So that the new roller does not leave particles of dirt and fibers on the freshly painted surface, it must be thoroughly washed with water before use. The same applies to the brush.

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