Plastering walls during the repair of premises is one of the basic processes that are practically subject to to every beginning repairman, of course, taking into account the availability of the necessary knowledge and theoretical practice, and even hands. This finishing operation is performed using a special cement, lime or plaster mixture, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Stucco walls allows you to hide all its defects, get a smooth smooth surface, and it does not matter what it will be - a ceiling, wall, slope, columns, and to realize other ideas and ideas of the designer. But the amount of the necessary mixture for plastering can reach a fairly large amount of funds. How to save on plaster, but at the same time complete the task, we consider below.
The main factor that affects the consumption of the stucco mixture is the roughness of the prepared surface. The more this surface has curvatures, uneven ledges and bumps, the more mixture will be needed to level it. The smoother the surface, the less time, energy and, most importantly, the funds will be needed to purchase the mixture.

The cost of the mixture purchased directly depends on its type and purpose of use. So cement plaster will be several times cheaper than gypsum, and if the task is to align especially curved walls with lighthouses, it’s not at all, because with this type of plaster the costs are measured in bags.
You can significantly save on plaster by using special factory mixtures instead of the classic cement-sand or lime. Also, the most economical way is to make the mixture with your own hands from previously purchased individual materials.
When working with a rough and porous surface, before applying the plaster, it must be treated with a special primer, which will improve adhesion and firmly adhere the mixture and surface.

A uniform flow rate can be obtained by installing beacons - special equal strong long elements that have a flat surface. Since the walls have a curvature, beacons will help reduce unnecessary material consumption.
When planning repairs, you should always use the services of specialists or those who have experience in such work, so you can reduce costs and expenses, which are key factors.
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