Foam blocks - strong, practical, reliable material, suitable not only for the construction of country houses and outbuildings, but also for the construction of cottages. According to statistics, today many wealthy people choose a foam block for the construction of two, three-story cottages. It's related:
- With environmental cleanliness and safety of materials;
- With the flexibility of the blocks during processing and styling;
- A significant reduction in the cost of construction.

If you start to build a house of red brick, then the cost of spending will increase dozens of times. These are unreasonable expenses that are best avoided in order to save the budget. If we talk about the composition of the foam block, it can be noted that the material is made on the basis of:
- Sand;
- Cement;
- Water;
- Foam Concentrate.
Special additives are poured into the mixture. Foaming occurs. Bubbles freeze, giving the block itself a porous structure. It is due to these bubbles, due to the porous structure, the foam block is a material with good thermal insulation. The blocks are lightweight, therefore simple in the process of loading and unloading, when laying. A house from a foam block can be built up quickly and even independently, the main thing is to know how to properly stack the blocks, what cannot be done so as not to violate the integrity of the task in the future.

Main mistakes
Sometimes, trying to save money, the owners of future cottages hire incompetent people who make common mistakes in laying masonry blocks. Subsequently, the house becomes unsuitable for living, as cracks are visible on the walls. In some cases, Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove these shortcomings.
Before building a house, you need to understand whether a foam block is assigned for construction, or is it a heat-insulating block. Accordingly, the thermal insulation material cannot be wall material. This must be clearly remembered. When laying blocks, it is necessary to carry out additional reinforcement, because the blocks are quite light and, due to the movement of the foundation, the wall may burst. Reinforcement will not allow this.

In no case should you put blocks on ordinary cement. This will also lead to the destruction of the structure. In the process of masonry, a special adhesive solution is used. It is also kneaded like cement, but the characteristics of the mixture are ideally suited for the laying of foam blocks.
In no case should you lay the solution in a thick layer on vertical and horizontal seams. Enough 10 and 12 mm. A thick adhesive layer can also burst and collapse, cracks will appear in the walls. Seams must be insulated. It also uses a special adhesive solution, in no case cement.

Attention! Masonry foam blocks should never be carried out in the rain!
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