How does the fountain work?


  • 1 Fountain device
  • 2 Storage tank
  • 3 Pump
  • 4 Nozzles
  • 5 Filters
  • 6 Backlight
  • 7 Decorative elements
How the fountain works

Fountains adorn city squares and streets, gardens and parks, houses and suburban areas. Almost every person at least occasionally sees these products and can describe how they look. But few can tell how the fountains work. Let's try to figure it out!

Fountain device

In the vast majority of cases, the fountain is a device that works on the principle of the water cycle: it leaves source (usually under pressure), then falls into the bowl, drains into a special tank, where it is cleaned and again sent to source. In this way, fountain construction involves the creation of such a closed system, as well as the decorative elements surrounding it.

Less common are open-type models that use running water. But they are less popular, as it requires more complex communications and waste a lot of water.

Storage tank

The basis of any fountain becomes a reservoir of water. It can be an artificial or natural pond, as well as a large bowl or pool.

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If you want to buy a fountain for the garden, in which there is a pond or lake, you can use them as a reservoir. If not, you can create a fountain on land by installing a pool on a special foundation.


A very important structural element of any product is a pump. Without it, the jet will not be able to give pressure (unless you use a complex system of natural elevation). The pump is usually installed at the bottom of the tank, securely fixed there and protected from moisture.


Nozzles are responsible for creating a specific pattern of jets. They can be arranged in different ways, for example, around the perimeter of the pool, at the very top of the decorative composition, removed from the mouth, mouth, or other decorative elements of the sculptural group.

If desired, over time, you can add or change nozzles to adjust the water pattern.


If water does not go through the cleaning procedure, the pump will break very quickly. Therefore, it is important to provide a reliable filtration system that will capture every lap. the smallest pollution, as well as large objects, like fallen leaves or accidentally died in the fountain insects.


In order to make the product look great not only during the day, but also at night, a special lighting equipment - reliably protected from water so that it can be placed inside pool.

Decorative elements

All of the above is what is necessary for the smooth operation of the product, and what explains the principle of its operation. But there is another important detail - the decor, which makes the fountains so elegant and desirable! Most often, all the “beauty” is carved from natural stone, usually marble or granite. It can be sculptural groups located in the center of the pool or on its side, compositions from bowls and much more - all that is enough for your imagination.

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