How to avoid the appearance of cracks on the walls of drywall


  • 1 Situation number 1
  • 2 Situation number 2
  • 3 Situation number 3
  • 4 Situation number 4

Very often, there is such a situation when people make repairs using plasterboard structures. But after some time, all these structures begin to become covered with cracks. This is a very disappointing situation, since a lot of money was spent on repairs, and he did not last one year. Next, we will analyze the most common situations of cracking on such walls and some recommendations for their prevention.


Situation number 1

The most common mistake of unscrupulous masters is when a strictly defined distance is not observed between the frame racks on which the drywall sheets are attached. For walls and ceilings, these parameters differ significantly. If everything is installed the same way, then cracks may appear in the future. If such a situation arises, it will have to be solved radically. It is necessary to disassemble the problem areas and add additional wireframe elements.


Situation number 2

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When mounting a structure from drywall, there are difficult places where it is possible to fasten sheets only with the help of so-called eyelets. It is in such places that there is a great risk of cracking. To fix this problem, additional reinforcement of the frame with dowels will help.


Situation number 3

When choosing materials from which the frame will be mounted, be sure to ask if it is suitable specifically for drywall. Because, profile guides come in different thicknesses. Thinner profiles, suitable exclusively for the installation of plastic panels. If you nevertheless decided to save money and were faced with the problem of cracking due to the fact that the frame structure cannot support the weight of heavy drywall, then the following must be done. Replace profiles with those suitable for drywall or install plastic panels.


Situation number 4

Unscrupulous builders can neglect the correct technology for fastening drywall sheets. They can, simply, stick them to the glue. Often it is applied unevenly, and here in those not glued places, a stress section is created. In the future, cracks may form in these areas due to changes in temperature and humidity. Only masking will help here.


There are some more rare cases of cracking on drywall constructions, their elimination is in many ways similar to the cases described above.

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