How to fix soft roof leaks after installation

In modern realities, many construction sites use flexible tiles, which are characterized by a high level of strength, as well as the tightness of joints and the material as a whole. Alas, there are situations when even such high-quality building material flows, many people are asking, “What is this happening for?” and also “How to prevent such consequences? ”

What causes problems?

In most cases, the leaks are caused by the following series of reasons:

  • Poor installation quality, inexperience of the worker, lack of compliance with all kinds of construction standards and technologies.
  • Lack of ventilation.
  • Installation during cold pores. Because of which the fragility and brittleness of tiles increases, thereby the likelihood of damage becomes many times greater.
  • Mechanical damage is caused by precipitation, falls of various objects (tree branches, communications installed on the roof, hail, etc.).

How to restore areas that began to leak?

It is quite simple to get rid of leaks on the soft roof, the damaged area must be rehabilitated and its operability restored. To do this, simply follow this instruction:

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  1. Raise the edge to be torn.
  2. Coat the tile inside with glue for roofing.
  3. Press it firmly to the place where it was previously attached.

If the tile is in a deplorable state and cannot be restored, then you will need to adhere to a different technology:

  1. Pull out nails to pull out a particle that is damaged.
  2. Take a new tile and generously coat it with glue, after which just reinstall it in place of the old one. Do not forget to hide the upper part, under the adjacent plate.
  3. Drive nails into the places from which you previously removed them.
  4. Coat all edges of the installed tile with glue for roofing, as well as the places where it is in contact with other elements of the roof. It is important to create high-quality sealing, so it is better not to spare supplies, but also not to pour more than that.

If the installed tile does not lie flush with others, then use a special bitumen mastic, it will serve as a kind of equalizer, as well as an additional sealant. With its help, pits will not form, which can subsequently become clogged with water. So that your roof never leaks, follow all technological requirements and instructions, and do not forget to ensure that nothing threatens her (branches, plates, antennas and other communications on the roof).

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