PVC tile is one of the modern flooring. When buying building materials, you should always first of all be interested in the shortcomings, since they can play a decisive role in the durability of the flooring.

Polyvinyl chloride "sandwich"
Before discussing the topic of shortcomings, you need to clearly understand what PVC tile consists of:
- Base - it is usually made by their profiled substrate, which increases adhesion to any surface. In addition, this is a base on an adhesive basis.
- The body of the tile is printed on it.
- Polyurethane layer.
- Protective layer.
The thickness of such floor tiles ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 mm. Single-layer tiles from 1.5 to 2.5 mm thick are also available.

Disadvantages of PVC floor tiles
The low prevalence of polyurethane tiles is primarily affected by its disadvantages:
- The most even basis - to achieve this state of the base you need to invest a lot of effort and money;
- Difficulty of installation - such a tile must be carefully glued. It happens that with improper storage and storage, the tiles are uneven. In this case, they are quite difficult to glue. You also need to monitor the evenness of the adhesive. If the glue layer is not uniform, then the tile will lie in tubercles, even on a perfectly flat surface. Tiles with poorly trimmed edges come across. In this case, you need to accurately match each tile to each other. It is difficult for a beginner in this regard. If the installation is carried out poorly, then dirt will accumulate on the floor surface all the time, between the tiles and under them will be clogged with small debris, moisture will accumulate. All this leads to a decrease in the term of operation;
- The lack of the possibility of restoration - it is impossible to grind and mask the flaws of such a tile. Yes, and dismantling for replacement is quite difficult;
- Relatively low life. Manufacturers claim that the average life of 10 years. This period is purely individual and depends on the intensity of use of the tile;
- The tile is made not of natural materials. Some types of PVC plates are not even recommended for use in the system of underfloor heating;
- High cost - on average, price per m2 such a tile starts at $ 25. And another half of the cost of the square is the price of the work.

Please note that PVC tiles have a Soviet counterpart - homogeneous. Only unlike polyvinyl chloride, it has a low cost, and it will serve until it is rubbed to the ground. Of the minuses, one can distinguish a meager assortment and non-proliferation.
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