What are the disadvantages of clinker tiles compared to porcelain stoneware

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Today in the market of building materials there is such an abundance that even a builder with many years of experience can get confused. In addition, not every seller will be able to correctly convey to the buyer all the necessary information about the product. In this article we will talk about two finishing materials, which are not only often confused with each other, but also often mistaken for the same material. We will focus on the possible advantages of porcelain stoneware over clinker.


Clinker and porcelain stoneware have much in common - they belong to the same group of finishing materials. However, these are still different materials, and the difference between them is quite noticeable.

Porcelain is made of special grade clay, mixing it with quartz sand, dyes and feldspar. Water is not added to the finished mixture - it is pressed in a dry form, and then fired, getting a very durable material, resistant to mechanical stress and wear.


Clinker is made from shale clay. Only dye is added. The material is fired in a special tunnel-type furnace, which allows to obtain high quality material resistant to heat, frost and wear.

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Porcelain tile is recommended for indoor use, and clinker tiles can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. Clinker tiles are cheaper than porcelain tiles and have a more attractive appearance. Therefore, there is such a wide selection of tiles of various colors and textures on sale. Tiles are more resistant to temperature changes than porcelain stoneware, since moisture from the clinker can freely evaporate, while inside the porcelain stoneware it accumulates and leads to cracks in material.


Another advantage of clinker tiles is that thanks to the pressing method used in its production, it is possible to produce material of any complex shape. This allows you to use it for cladding objects such as swimming pools, garden decorations, which can be completely tiled, and at the same time they will have a neat and beautiful appearance.


However, clinker tiles, for all its many advantages, have one, but a significant drawback to porcelain stoneware - it is not strong enough. Clinker cannot replace porcelain stoneware in places of increased mechanical stress, for example, in pedestrian crossings, at airports or train stations. Otherwise, porcelain tiles have no significant advantages over clinker.

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