Which bath is better? Made of cast iron, steel or acrylic?


  • 1 Cast iron bathtubs
  • 2 Steel Baths: Pros and Cons
  • 3 Acrylic bathtubs

A good and beautiful bath is one of the prerequisites for a comfortable stay. If earlier only the same type of cast iron products were available, today's assortment allows you to choose an excellent option that meets all the requirements. However, manufacturers offer bathtubs made of different materials, so buyers have difficulty choosing.


Cast iron bathtubs

The advantages of modern cast-iron bathtubs include high strength, long service life and good heat retention. But in the installation of such a product is quite problematic, because it has an impressive weight. And the choice of flowers is small.


Steel Baths: Pros and Cons

Today, lighter and more environmentally friendly steel bathtubs with a wide range of colors and designs from classic to luxurious English, in the style of the royal palace, are popular. European manufacturers offer a range of steel bathtubs with handles, comfortable armrests or elegant coasters.

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Bathtubs made of steel and cast iron are covered with a double layer of enamel, which can last up to 30 years, while maintaining an aesthetic appearance. Additional non-slip or dirt-repellent coatings are also used. Increasing usability. The average weight of such a product is 23-30 kg. The only disadvantage of such a purchase can be called a rather big cost.


Acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic is a synthetic polymer derived from acrylic acid. It is resistant to mechanical damage, exposure to sunlight, water and air. If you chose this option, take a look at acrylic bathtubs made by injection technology. Such a product has a strong fiberglass frame and a pleasant to the touch surface.


The range of acrylic bathtubs is diverse, there are options for all shapes and colors. Also, the ease of installation due to the light weight of the material will be a plus, however, there are some nuances here - the installation of an additional metal frame will be required.


Most prefer steel models, as they are convenient to install, and the cost of the bath will be average. This is followed by acrylic, which many choose for their good quality characteristics and a variety of models. The traditional cast-iron version closes the rating. Choosing a bath is worth it. Based on the parameters of the room where it is planned to be installed. Access to plumbing networks is also important.

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