The oldest material for furniture is wood.

The oldest material used to make furniture is, of course, wood. Over the past decades, a huge number of materials and furniture options have been invented. There were glass tables, cabinets and bedside tables made of plastic material, as well as metal beds. But still, wooden furniture remained prestigious. Every year, craftsmanship and methods of processing wood grow and allow you to create real masterpieces. During this time, the most priority breeds were identified from which it is possible to create furniture with improved properties of reliability and safety.

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Obviously, when choosing wooden furniture, the consumer first of all pays attention to its external appearance. And he already tells him about the condition of the tree used in the product. It is impossible to determine by appearance only the internal properties of the product, such as wear resistance, water resistance and hardness. You need to find out about them before buying.

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All trees are divided into three types according to density:

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• Soft breed - this includes cedar, fir, pine, aspen, linden, alder and poplar trees;
• Hardwood - these include trees of the oak, birch, deciduous, rowan, nut and beech family;
• Very hard massifs - this includes boxwood, acacia, pistachio, yew and hornbeam.


Obviously, the strength of the future product will depend on the degree of hardness. In addition to hardness, wood has other parameters. Their manufacturers also take into account and attribute to the advantages of wooden models.

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At the very last stage of wood furniture production, surface products are finished. The appearance of furniture can be different. It depends on the methods used in the finishing work. As a rule, it is either painted, stained or varnished. To achieve the best effect, these methods can be combined together. Finishing not only improves the appearance of the object, in addition, it extends the life of the furniture.


Wood Energy

There are people who care about the energy released from various objects, including wood. This topic has been quite popular lately and theories have been created on it. There was an opinion that different trees in their own way affect the internal and psychological state of people. The following three types of material were distinguished to perfection:

• Vampires - these include trees that can take energy from a person. They were equated with aspen, spruce, willow, chestnut and poplar;
• Donors - these trees, on the contrary, give positive energy to the environment. From them, people feed on power. As donors, it is customary to consider birch, maple, mountain ash, acacia and oak;
• Neutral trees - all remaining species are of this type.

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Consumers who believe in energy try not to use wood from the types of vampires in home comfort. Although it is quite realistic that furniture made from this material, on the contrary, will take away only negative energy, and leave the positive in the atmosphere. Aspen is considered to be the strongest tree capable of absorbing energy.

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Naturally, all wood products are considered an expensive pleasure. Manufacturers cheapen it by replacing pressed sawdust in the form of chipboard. It is laminated and the result is a pretty beautiful product. Today, a person far from the definition of breeds may not understand what they offer him chipboard, and not a real tree. To distinguish, you need to look at the wood cut.


If the seller cannot provide such an opportunity, then you need to make out the texture pattern. If the furniture is made of chipboard, then the contours of the drawing will be repeated and finding similar symbols on them will be simple and easy. The texture of natural wood never repeats its designs. They are all unique.

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Despite the fact that wood is a durable material, it requires careful care. It is necessary to handle boxes or doors of products more accurately. The load on the shelves should be evenly distributed. You can take care of the surface exclusively by means intended for this. If you treat the product with care, then the service life will continue to please its user.

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