Today, there are various roofing coatings that have replaced such obsolete material as slate. The roof of the house is designed not only to reliably protect the building from atmospheric precipitation (rain and snow), but also reduce heat dissipation in cold weather, keep the rafters from destruction, give the structure an original view.

In accordance with these tasks, you need to choose a roofing for an individual house. But at the same time, you should definitely consider in which region the residential building is located. In Russia over a large territory there are long and severe colds. And, if in the south you can use almost any of the known materials for roofing, in the north, the choice should be made on particularly strong and durable types of coatings.

What factors are important to consider when choosing a material
In the northern regions, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the roof to withstand not only severe frosts down to -40 -50 degrees, but also significant snow loads with strong gusts of wind. Based on this, it becomes clear that slate for cold regions is not suitable. It is too fragile and also able to absorb moisture. Over time, moss forms on it.
The most common modern types of roofing: profiled sheets, metal tiles, ondulin, soft and composite roofs.

What does not fit
Soft roofs, like metal tiles, have high water resistance, resistance to heat and cold. It is able to withstand strong winds, low temperatures, is flexible and suitable for roofs of any design. But not every soft roof is suitable for severe frosts.

Profiled sheet or decking is an inexpensive material, but very thin, which means that additional costs for thermal insulation will be required. Instead, it’s better to use sandwich panels in the north.

Flexible tiles are based on modified bitumen. It gives plasticity and softness to the material. Thanks to the outer layer with stone chips, the tile has a high thermal insulation. But under the influence of low temperatures, bitumen shingles become fragile. Therefore, in the north it is also better not to use it.

For the same reason, bitumen slate (ondulin) is not suitable for the north. In low light, it also grows with moss.
For frosty regions ceramoplast, a composite material that is unstable to temperature extremes and fragile under mechanical stress, is not suitable.

For obvious reasons, in the northern regions, decorative materials such as wood, slate, turf, straw and reeds are not suitable for roofing.
For cold regions, the best choice is a metal tile with a special coating. It is able to give a roof tightness, protect from strong winds and earthquakes.
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